View Full Version : New softop.......v cheap!
Paul w
21-08-2003, 06:28 PM
Hi folks,
I think i've found a supplier of new softops, complete with windows for.....wait for it..........£340!
You even get a choice of colours!
From memory (the second colour is the inside)
Blue (steady ade!)
Black on blue
Tan on black
Yellow (calm down ade!)
red (maroon)
I'm about to order one to check it out, and they have offered 5% discount on 3 or more!
Let me know if you are interested, and once i've checked it out i'll post all the details!
Blue with red bodywork? will it work????
21-08-2003, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Paul w
Blue (steady ade!)
Yellow (calm down ade!)
red (maroon)
Blue with red bodywork? will it work????
Now Now Paul....
Anyone would think I had a thing about Blue & Yellow...:p
Anyway, I'm happy with my new roof (For Now...) Now if you had found this a few months back then I'd probably have been interested.
As for Blue with Red... To be honest, I don't think it would work that well.
Why not go for the Maroon one?? or would that be a bit much???
Best thing to do is get hold of a sample of the material in the possible colours and try them against the body to see...
Paul w
21-08-2003, 10:40 PM
I saw a red punto with a blue roof the other day and it looked kinda ok, its hard to say on a beat though. i think i'll take some pics then colour them in on photoshop!
Watch this space!
Paul w
24-08-2003, 09:35 PM
Gone a bit Andy Warhol on ya!
You can check out most of the more subtle colour combinations for yourself at Colour chart (
Think i'm going to go for the Dark blue with tan liner!
25-08-2003, 12:39 AM
i am off to the US in a few days (work) but i will be back on the 26th of Sept, if your gonna order one, DON'T!!! Order 2 because i will have one in Black
(my Beats White so i think i will stick with the black.)
i will sort the money and stuff out when i get back if thats ok???
03-09-2003, 01:05 PM
hi, i've just bought a Honda Beat and i'm looking for a new roof, could you please give me the contact of the supplier you mention in your message.
Paul w
15-09-2003, 11:17 AM
Well, I've ordered 2 so far, one for me and one for Nuna. Ive gone for Blue on black and a black on black for Nuna. I'm trying to get hold of a swatch book that i can send out to you lot if you are choosing a hood. Delivery should be within 2 weeks or so, i'll keep you posted!!
Paul w
14-10-2003, 08:49 PM
Just an update on these, the first two should be on their ways to their new owners by now, they came out a little more expensive than expected, but are still a bargain at £360
I'm waiting for the guys to confirm delivery and let me know what they are like. Mine is on its way from the states!
Paul w
17-10-2003, 02:47 PM
Got mine today
In the pic below, you can see the blue topping on a black backing. The backing is very thick and has a rubberised interior, seems very good quality, but i'll reserve final judgement until its fitted!
One thing of interest is how the window is zipped in, it seems to be quite different to how the original one is held in. It looks like the whole of the window panel and some of the side part zips out, but its hard to tell when its not fitted!
More to come when its on!
Paul w
17-10-2003, 02:47 PM
Hmm thats not the best picture in the world, is it?? lol
31-12-2003, 03:03 PM
hi there,
i dont write much on this interweb thingy, been a member for a
while now, read the updates when i can.
i recently fitted a 5.5" screen where the stereo used to be,
fitted a combination radio / tv tuner with 4 x 40 watt amp in
the document box, DVD player in the rear of the arm rest and
now i need to protect it all from the elements.
could you let me know how the hood you purchased came out?
i assume you got it via the oxted trimming co.
am in quite an urgent need as the moisture build up is threatening
to undo some of the hard work i've put in.
also, any ideas which sensor is mainly in charge of the idle sleed?
my baby idles between 1500 and 400, as and when it feels like
it. hasn't ever stalled on me but i'm sure the charge rate to the
electrics is taking a beating (!)
thanks in advance.
Paul w
05-01-2004, 10:52 AM
Call ashley at Oxted trimming on 01883 712112 and mention my name and this website
sebastian arnea
06-03-2005, 02:29 AM
hi m8, can u still get soft tops for the honda beat
06-03-2005, 08:38 AM
yes you can still get them from oxtead they are a great bunch of peeps very helpfull....and they fit welll to just phone em and tell them where you got the number from ....
Could anyone who had a roof made by this company post a pic. I'm just in the process of buying one from Honda but I would like to see what these look like first.
Oh, any comments would be welcome on good or bad points about them.
Paul w
22-04-2005, 12:38 PM
i'd say they were as good, if not better than the original, providing you get a trimmer to fit it correctly.
They are lined internally and a perfect fit.
i'd take a pic of mine, but its a bit of a mess at the moment, as the garage roof has been leaking on to it!
There should be some pics of it on here, i think i put it up for sale at some point. Mine is a blue one, as I was planning on re-spraying the car dark blue!
I'd be looking for a black one with black lining.
But do you think that they will ship it to here. had a top made but the problem was that the stiching was not waterproof.
Could you send me any picture you got.
22-04-2005, 10:10 PM
adam they fit fine i got a blue one as well they posted to me no problem ....if your still not sure your welcome to take the trip up and look at mine
I rang them today and the whole thing took about 5 minutes. They even had one in stock ready for shipping in black.
This is the first time I picked up a phone and got something for the car without it being a big deal.
Well I think I spoke too soon. My roof arrived today, it was so fast. I ordered it at 3pm yesterday and it was here in the morning but I don't think its finished.
Do you guys have velcro straps on the inside to hold on to the bars?
Oh and I ordered mohair and got cloth! :(
Paul w
26-04-2005, 09:53 PM
Dont know about the velcro, i'd have to check.
The fabric used is called solarfast or something, didn't know they did mohair (anyway, thats cruel to Moe's....)
I found out what was the problem.
The top they sent me is off an s2000. Its way too big, I just looked at the pictures and thats it. Hence it doesn't fit.
Paul w
27-04-2005, 04:08 PM
he he!
just get them to send the bottom (car) part and your laughing!
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