View Full Version : Gettin There!!
08-08-2003, 07:52 PM
Hi all,
Just thought i would give you an update on how the baby is getting on. For those of you who saw her looking a little sad at the JAE this year, we have had the respray done so she is looking alot better we have also had the hood edgings re done, had fun getting the hood back on after but managed eventually.
all we need now are the chrome hood stud's (OZ, if you can let me know how to send you the money. Thanks!) some new wheels are on the way, Gun metal O Z s. and a new rear light cluster. and we are almost there. Will be of to castle combe on aug 30th. Paul thanks again for the brackets.
Hope to meet you soon.
Take care
Pete & Sue
08-08-2003, 07:53 PM
Oh I forgot,
I will have some beat midship amusement stickers avaliable very soon. For all those who have none or damaged feel free to get in touch.
Pete & Sue
Looking good! Have you got passes for Castle Combe?
Hi Peter & Sue,
Oh my - she is looking well. I have been thinking about a re-spray for a few weeks and looking at your Beat makes me think its more than worth while!
Ive spent sooo much money on bloody computers and software - I think its time for the baby to have a treat!
I'd be interested in the stickers when they are available too please?
13-08-2003, 12:14 PM
Hi all,
Finally got the new stickers.
Starting to look her best.
Pete & Sue
14-08-2003, 06:15 AM
Looks great!
Tamsin Nunley
14-08-2003, 03:50 PM
Wow! Super-Shiny!!
What sort of cost is it to have a good respray like that?
Also, how did you go about finding a reputable place that wasn't going to do a bodge-job on it? (I imagine it's pretty nerve-racking leaving your cars paintwork in the hands of a complete stranger!!)
It'd be cool to hear a bit more about people's experiences with re-spraying in general.
Anyone? :)
14-08-2003, 07:31 PM
Hi Tamsin,
I have some very good contact's for bodyshop work, here in worcester, so I was lucky in that respect.
Cost £600 and I had to leave the car with them for a week. She really needed it though, as people saw at JAE on the saturday she had laquer peeling on the bonnet and the usual pink plastic bits, also a bad dent near the osr light cluster.
She looke wonderfull now. we also had the roof re edged £70 and the rear screen replaced £60.
You really have to talk to people who have had similar work done and had a good finish to find out who is good in your area.
The good thing about our local paintshop is he will give you a courtesy car while he has yours. although sue wasnt impressed with the swap to a nissan almera for a week. no where near as much fun as the baby.
I hope this may help a little.
Take Care
Pete & Sue
Attached pics "before" & "After"
14-08-2003, 07:33 PM
and the bonnet
14-08-2003, 07:34 PM
osr after
Tamsin Nunley
15-08-2003, 04:24 PM
Thanks for filling me in!! Good to see close-up photos, too!
Beeby seems like he's got some mileage to go yet before he looks a bit too 'pink', but his bonnet is fading a bit, so it's good to know there are people out there who will do a decent job - for future reference!
She looks superb! Bet you can't wait to take her to the next event!
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