View Full Version : He's Here!!

Tamsin Nunley
07-08-2003, 11:50 AM
Finally picked up the Beat from Roz in Portsmouth last night (she was sad to see him go, unsurprisingly :( ) and drove him to his new home in Guildford.

Christened him Captain Beeby-Noise (a long story, but quite fitting as he did a fair amount of beeping - nay, shrieking - last night when i tried to hug him and forgot the alarm was on!!)

My housemates are in love too - they used to want a House Puppy but don't feel they need one now they've got Beeby!!

All Hail to The Cap'n!! :D

PS: Anyone know how/if you can adjust the backs of the seats? I'm almost lying down at the moment! :) )

07-08-2003, 12:15 PM
Congratulations. Ur gonna love it.

there is a lever just underneath the seat at the front to make it go back and forth, and a little plastic lever on the side by the door to make the back go up and down.

Hope this helps.

Tamsin Nunley
07-08-2003, 03:23 PM
Aha! Thanks Robin - that lever for the tilting the back of the seat is the one I'm after!!

Was fiddling with a lump of plastic around that general area of the car this morning, but it didn't seem to be doing much - what's the lever look like, and does it rotate or pull in and out...?

07-08-2003, 10:42 PM
Excelent news Tamsin,

Tim's right about the leavers, the seat back one just lifts up and then the seat should adjust to how you want it to,

Silly thought but if you need a picture then ask and I'll pop one on here to show you...

Captain Beeby-Noise !!!!

Now, are we going to have to guess the story or are you going to enlighten us???

Enjoy the now house pet, just remember to water it with optimax whenever it's thirsty and to bath it regulary to keep it's coat nice and shiny... :p


08-08-2003, 07:04 PM

Glad you finaly got you little beat, hope you have years of fun.

Pete & Sue

Tamsin Nunley
11-08-2003, 12:04 PM
Cheers Everyone!

Thanks for explaining the seat lever thing - found it in the end after a bit of prodding around.

Gawd, we love Beeby sooooo much already!! Andy had a drive in him at the weekend, and I had a hard time prising in out of the driver's seat afterwards.

[long-winded-Name-explanation]>> At work we have this thing called Friday Jukebox, where everyone emails me two contrasting tunes (there might be a theme like 'best lyrics' or 'worst songs' or something), and I make it up into a compilation and post a link around at the end of the day. It's a good way of getting to hear new music.
So one day some bloke who always sends in obscure bleeping nintendo tunes and stuff like that, started bad-mouthing a tune another bloke sent in, so he wrote a really sarcastic e-mail back saying 'My apologies, Captain Beeby-Noise'. (yes, we are all computer geeks!)

I damn near weed myself laughing at that, trying to decide if it was the best or worst insult I'd ever heard. So when we went to see the beat, and it bleeped a lot - and beeped a lot, obviously! - the name was obvious! (and he is definately worthy of being a 'Captain' too! )

Sorry about that long-winded explanation, but you asked for it, Adrian!! :p

And...what are the chances...when we were out with Beeby near Bury St Edmunds on Saturday, we saw another l'il red beat pass us in the opposite direction! It'd gone before we had time to register and flash 'em! Helloooo, whoever you are!!! :)

11-08-2003, 05:13 PM
obscure bleeping nintendo tunes and stuff like that

My fave kind of music - I think the Beat fits right in with cutsey video game music!!!


Congrats and best wishes,

12-08-2003, 07:17 AM
Hi Tamsin,

Excelent reason for the name... I like the obscure ones, they make the name so much more personal...

I'm not that surprised you had difficulty getting Andy out of the car, it has that affest on most people who drive them..:p

You ought to take it down to tesco's when you do the shopping and have fun watching people try and work out what it is... I've had husbands on their knees looking under mine and everything when I take mine shopping...lol

As for the red one, I recon thats Elisha's one, She comes from Newmarket so it's the right area for her...


Paul w
12-08-2003, 05:22 PM
I've thought of mis badging mine with a cut down s2000 logo!

S200? or maybe S20!

I'd love to see people then wandering into honda dealers asking to see one!

Maybe if we all did it......

The new honda Beeby?


12-08-2003, 06:30 PM
lol I like it...

How to cause mass confusion in the Honda dealer network...

Customer - "Excuse me, I'd like a brochure on the new convertible"

Sales - "The S2000 Madam"

Customer - " No the Beeby..."

You could just imagine the salesmans face...:D

Especially if you managed to park one outside with a personal plate on it..


Tamsin Nunley
13-08-2003, 09:37 AM
LOL!! Maybe even 'The Beeby S-0.2??' :P

Like you say, Adrian, I've taken mine down Tekkies a few times and caught people looking at it agog as they pass (though no-one peering underneath - yet!!). Do you think people reckon it's some sort of optical illusion, and there's something actually wrong with their eyeballs? Did warn folks that The Captain looks like he shrunk in the wash, but I don't think anyone's ever quite prepared for the sheer tinyness of him!!

(at the beach the other day, we overheard a woman saying something random to her kids about 'Oooo, isn't it marvellous!?? Do you think it'll have got any bigger by the time we get back..?' and me & Andy looked at eachother and went 'She must be talking about Beeby!'. Heheheh.)

Does anyone else go out of their way to park theirs near another bigger Honda for a cute 'Father & Son' (or should I say 'nephew-and-midget-uncle') effect?

No?? I know, I know - I'm sad.

*blushes, and leaves*

Tamsin Nunley
13-08-2003, 09:49 AM
*returns, to attempt to post an attachment of The Captain at work*

Left him at home today for the sake of not being lazy, and missing him already! :(

15-08-2003, 01:49 AM

most excellent to hear about beeby.

like yourself absolutely love driving baby beat and do so mon to fri for work purposes.

However!!! come the weekend and I am resolute to being a passenger cant understand why Pete claims my driving makes him feel ill, "REALLY!!!!!".

I guess ive just gotto grin and bear it as she is just a complete babe to drive and I guess pete deserves his own time with her (even if this means taking any male mate round the local bypass roundabout at some mad speed!!!) (P,S my time to speak. she handles like a gokart!!!! lovely).

many happy hour's of motoring.

Best wishes

Sue & Pete....

(notice this was dictated by sue!.) LOL

Tamsin Nunley
15-08-2003, 03:55 PM
Hi Sue (and Pete...)!

Good to know I'm not the only one that does that roundabout thing! And bet your colleagues were all out in the carpark looking when you first took her to work.....?

>>cant understand why Pete claims my driving makes
>>him feel ill,

It does? Hahah! Do you drive like most blokes, then Sue? ;)
It is difficult to relent and let anyone else behind the drivers seat, isn' t it - even your other half!!

Had the very first actual 'stop and inspect' incident today, parking The Captain on Guildford high-street! Two young guys shot out of the shop opposite as soon as I walked off and stood gawkin' and talkin' - chuckled to myself and wondered how long it might take them to figure out the name of the car is on the side, near the bottom! Wonder how many people get a good look and still walk off thinking '..but a Honda what...??'

Hope that other Beat in Guildford has gone to a good home. If I knew a bit more about cars, I'd be tempted to have that as well, and start a collection :p Or parade them round as a pair - maybe wear one on each foot, like roller skates!!!

Speaking of which, could anyone recommend any books for beginners about the general workings of cars/engines? It would be nice to know a few names and understand a bit more about how Beeby actually moves forwards, even if I can't do anything about repairing him when the need arises! :confused:

PS: (this one should definately go on beeby's stereo!)http://sg1.allmusic.com/cg/smp.dll?link=utnsx8zmxcens9b5eylhkaw&r=64.asx

15-08-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Tamsin Nunley
chuckled to myself and wondered how long it might take them to figure out the name of the car is on the side, near the bottom! Wonder how many people get a good look and still walk off thinking '..but a Honda what...??'

Funily enough, people still ask me what it is even with mine done like it is..:rolleyes:

The music is excelent, Maybe your next friday compilation for work should be something for the Beat...

Post it up if you do, I recon we'd all like to hear it...


had a look at your site the other day, the wolf singing is excelent..:p

20-08-2003, 12:35 AM
Hi Tamsin,

Cheers for the reply, Yes!!! I do drive like a Bloke (pete's taught me well!!!) (p.s. I disagree as I have to type this.. pete)

We both thoroughly enjoy the gawp factor, we spend many hours in the baby going "made him look made him look"!!.

Need to download your special music factor, I also believe that junior senior (move your feet) ..... cant stop the beat!! needs a special mention aswell. I am not petrol head enough to answer your mechanical questions pete will help you on that one if he can, Its just nice to have a fellow "Girl Ricer" on board.

Hope you are still smiling as Im sure you are.

Best wishes

Sue & (Pete)

P.S. what are the brackets all about... Pete.

Tamsin Nunley
22-08-2003, 03:12 PM
Yeah, that junior senor song is a great one :D - cool vid, too!

Would love to post up a friday compilation, but there's no way of doing it unfortunately, as I can't link to my computer outside the work network, and it would be far too big to post as an attachment!

Thinking of burning a cd of 'beat-themed' songs sometime though, so I can always do a few copies!

(glad you liked the wolf too, Adrian! :) )

23-08-2003, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by Tamsin Nunley

Thinking of burning a cd of 'beat-themed' songs sometime though, so I can always do a few copies!

Now theres an idea, knock up a cover to go with them and I'm sure you will have a few customers wanting a copy (me,me,me :))


Andy V
23-08-2003, 05:36 PM
Now trying to think of some 'Beat' themed songs....

"I Am The Beat" perhaps for starters?

(Probably got the title wrong and I can't remember who sung it but in the lyrics was "I'm in demand, I am the beat").

Andy & Pat. (UKHBC No.109)

24-08-2003, 09:40 AM
Hmmm. Just reading this thread and trying to think of some suitable tracks.

How about :-

The All Seeing I - The Beat goes on
Mr Oizo - Flat Beat (although no-one wants a flat Beat :(
Cast - Beat Mama
Beats International - Dub be good to me

25-08-2003, 03:31 AM
How about...

We got the Beat - Go Go's

Baby Driver - Simon & Garfunkle

Beat goes on - Sonny & Cher

Eat to the Beat - Blondie

Turn the Beat around - Gloria Estefan

Beat Surrender - The Jam



Tamsin Nunley
27-08-2003, 07:26 PM
Brilliant suggestions!!

One more to add:

'Super honda' - Mika bomb

We did have a 'traffic' themed comp last Friday Jukebox, in honour of The Cap'n (and everyone elses cars, too). I will try to do something about burning some stuff off onto a disc sometime - not sure if i'll manage to get hold of all those songs though!)


28-08-2003, 05:01 PM
Has anyone got a copy of "The Beat Goes On" by Sonny and Cher, or possibly a more recent rendition by Cher only (or was it someone else)?

I've searched high and low but can't find one!

28-08-2003, 09:26 PM
Well I've finally managed to come up with a song......

John Lee Hooker did one called 'Cool Little Car'

Most appropriate I think...
