View Full Version : Well I guess it had to happen some time ...
... went out to the car this morning to go to work and the hood behind the doors on both sides is all bent up... two nice little dents near the left rear tyre arch also. :explode:
A bit pi**ed off really.
It seems its Wednesday nights around 3a.m. drunk guys are kicking over bins etc. Saw them one night sitting on the roof of my brothers car - I ran after 'em but couldnt catch them :rolleyes:
I hope I can pull out the dents and hopefully I can bend back the roof brackets - long evening ahead of me ...
Thanks for listening, I feel a bit better.
31-07-2003, 06:37 PM
Sorry to hear that Dave,
I know exactly how you feel as it's the same thing that happened to mine...
I would guess that they actually tried to get into the car... especially since mine was actually broken into a short while afterwards... :(
The thing is, the mechanism for the roof is quite substantial so it means that they can't get past it very easily.
The bent brackets can be straightened but it will be easier to unscrew the roof from then first so that you can get better access to them.
As for the dents, Hopefully they will come out ok, have they just dented or has it creased the metal??
I was lucky enough to have a couple removed FOC by Dent Devils whilst at the JAE show last weekend, they normally charge approx £75 per pannel regardless of how many dents there is and can normally remove them so that they are practically invisible as long as the paint hasn't been damaged...
Hope everything ends up OK in the end,
Keep your chin up, I know how you feel
Thanks Adrian,
In the light of a new day it doesnt all seem doom and gloom.
The paint isn't cracked thankfully it just looks like where they used their knee as leverage to pull the hood.
I have a gizmo for pulling small dents so I'll give that a bash. A friends dad is a panel beater / car respray shop so if I go too far wrong I have help at hand!
I think I'll try to remove the brackets and bend them back into place ... might as well put on the new roof studs while I'm at it (thanks Oz).
Another friend has a hoist and a welding kit so I hope he can help if the brackets snap. He was going to have a look under my Beat anyway ... I have a bit of a squeek :p
I was just about to collect Alloys and its a bank holiday here so after a bit of work over the weekend I should be in tip top shiney shape Tuesday :) Could have been much worse.
I love working on the Beat but not when its Forced Repairs :rolleyes:
Thanks again Adrian - nice to know theres light at the end of the tunnel.
Take care,
Paul w
01-08-2003, 01:56 PM
Thanks again Adrian - nice to know theres light at the end of the tunnel.
Just hope it isn't a train!
Hope you get it all sorted ok!
Hi Guys,
Thank you - Im a happy chappie again!!!
A couple of sharp taps with a rubber hammer sorted out the brackets on both sides - I was so worried they would snap off but they are strong little buggers.
Couldn't pull the dents but ...
... to go with the roof screws I got her new shoes and we both dont mind two little dents so much anymore ;)
Thanks again - and thank God it wasn't a train :p .
09-08-2003, 04:09 AM
v.v.v.sorry to hear of your poo news.
some people should be branded as arseholes!!!
little beats dont harm anyone hope you can get yours up and running again and looking as splendid as she used too.
good luck and best wishes.
Pete & Sue.
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