View Full Version : Did I miss anything?

29-07-2003, 12:37 PM
OZSamurai is back in the building!

After a too brief holiday it was back to the grind today! The weather unfortunately wasn't going my way on holiday which gave me ample time to organize the half covers, will advise everyone after I get a sample delivered, shouldn't be more than 30 pound tops. Its good to be back in a way...and not in others...hope you all had a great time at the JAE, I'll be sending out PM's soon to all, as all merchandise is in and ready to ship.



PS. Couldn't find a Beat in Thailand, nearly had withdrawal symptoms!

29-07-2003, 05:58 PM
Hi Oz,

Hope you had a good time,

Shame about the weather but at leased it meant you could get away and sort out the covers without to much trouble...:p

JAE was a great success with a decent turnout both days, I'll be updating my website in the next few days (hopefully) so there will be a few pics on there from the show.

I might be interested in a cover, I've got a small one from Halfords (in Blue of course...) but I've only used it once so can't remember what it fits like...


Paul w
29-07-2003, 07:02 PM
Welcome back!

Right, please fill a container with a full set of Backyard body kits (you seen those mirrors yet ade?) and ship it over!

Seriously though, could you start keeping an eye out for bits on the auctions, and get me a price for front and back bumpers and bonnets/trunk lids? (backyard specials)



30-07-2003, 07:50 AM
Front & Rear bumpers, bonnet and trunk (with or without ducktail)
221,800 yen unpainted. Estimate 70000 for paintjob in your favorite Beat flavor. Domestic postage? I have no idea as yet, but I will bend their arms to see if they won't throw that in since your buying the whole kit! I reccommend a shipping company called econoship, the name says it all, get a free online estimate from them at:


The part sizes will be easy to gauge since they are the same as on your own car for cubic meter estimation. You can pay them directly, and they come and pick the bits up from me at my home, too easy!

so all up barring the domestic postage fudge factor we would aim at 291,800 + econoship (which you can split with other owners who might want 'bulky bits').

Lets know when you want to set it up!


Paul w
30-07-2003, 03:09 PM
Thats a good point, maybe we should look at getting maybe a couple of cubic meters, and every one could chip in if they want exhausts etc....

We could have a cut off date of the end of october to let everyone get their orders in...

I'll post a new thread i think!


30-07-2003, 05:11 PM
Hey oz,

Welcome back from the land of Thai. Sorry to hear the weather wasn't up to scratch. You ever been to Fiji? When my cousin was in Oz he went there a couple of times - said it was great.

The JAE was excellent - shame it's so far away from you. Adey's Beat was king of the castle on Sunday. Our plot had a hump in it and he parked his Beat like an off-roader! There's a thought - big-wheel Beat!

Any news on the muffler yet? Also, I saw on the other thread that one of the guys in the UK had received his hood studs. Haven't seen ours yet - are you sending them with the pipe?

Take care.

Chris and John

31-07-2003, 04:18 AM

Yes that was my grand plan to send them through with the muffler which has arrived, just trying to locate a box for it at present. I not only live in Japan but work like a Japanese too, so I haven't had time to get it packed up (though its only been here two days), will have it on the way to you by Sunday if not sooner as I have a day off then. Sorry, I just assumed you wanted them delivered together, but you know what assuming does!



31-07-2003, 05:12 PM

Absolutely no problem - just curious. I hope you realise how much we all appreciate your help (know you love it all really!)

How do you manage with the language - are you fluent or what? I know a guy over here who's learning Mandarin - now that must be really hard!

John and Chris

01-08-2003, 12:06 AM

Thanks for the remarks, yes, I am fluent in Japanese. I will be putting up a 'who the hell is Ozsamurai' page in the coming months for all those that want to take a look. I have been here for 15 years, I've owned bars, taught English and more recently am an interpreteur/translator for Honda in their service section. I listen to people bitch about their cars all day in English from all over the world:explode:, I bring their cases to my boss in Japanese, he tells me they can take a leap or we'll do something about it, I tell them we're considering the problem! Standard really! Its made me an instant expert on troubleshooting problems with Hondas I feel, the 1,000,000th time you get the same complaint from 7 different countries on 3 different models, somethings fishy!

BTW I packed up your box last night, will send it today on the way home.

