View Full Version : Jae: 26/07/03 (Now + 27/07/03)
26-07-2003, 11:43 PM
HI All,
Just a quick report on today at JAE,
The weather stayed fine for most of the day (although it's now chucking it down here in Ipswich...) which brought out the masses...
I think we ended up with 8 beats on the stand throughout the day although sadly not all at once.
The new club Gazebo did it's job nicely when we had a small shower at the end of the day.
It was nice to meet those of you who turned up today, hopefully tomorrow will bring a few more new faces
Lets hope the weather will be as promised....
Paul w
27-07-2003, 12:33 PM
It was nice to meet a few of you during my few hours there.
Did the CRX boys invade our stand???
Good to see you there Paul and thanks for the new Beat - we're watering it now!
Guess what - the CRX boys DID invade today, but we let 'em as we had plenty of space and they were a bit cramped!
Another good day today with 7 Beats and pretty nice weather. Ade's pictures will follow shortly!
Good to see everyone who came along, and a good number of interested visitors too.
27-07-2003, 10:31 PM
Yep, Nice to meet you at last Paul...
Luckily the weather was excelent again today which meant even more people at the show.
As chris said, we had another good turnout for the club stand and it was nice to meet up with everyone again.
There must be something about the cars because over the weekend I was asked twice if they could still be bought new!!!! and people were very supprised that the reg plates were the actual age of the cars...:p
Unfortunately it seems like the JAE event might not happen next year but hopefully the few problems that were around this year can be sorted (Marshaling etc.) and it will go ahead because it is turning into THE jap car event to go to...
I did 710Km (440 miles) over the weekend and managed to average 41.5mpg (even with my new exhaust...) with the journey home today averaging 51.6mpg although I did take it easy for a change...
Here's todays customary group shot.
27-07-2003, 10:32 PM
Oh yeah, and what on earth did the people who made this think they were doing...:eek: :eek: :eek:
27-07-2003, 10:33 PM
Front view...
27-07-2003, 10:34 PM
Tamsin Nunley
28-07-2003, 03:39 PM
Beg to differ - me and my partner saw plenty of ugly, ugly-ass Imprezas there (which look like some sort of air-vent-explosion-in-a-Mondeo-factory imo :p ) That van looks utterly tasteless - but quite funny, at least! :)
At the other end of the scale, some of the Datsuns looked really-retro-super, didn't they? Very, very cool! And not just the sporty ones - some of those over on that other pitch were amazing! Did anyone clock the interior on the blue one with the white roof..?
Nice to meet some of you lot there (Chris, John, Roger - did I remember your names right....? And sorry to miss you , Adrian!), and thanks a lot for your help and advice!
Was going to say hope to add my beat (when I get it!) to the turnout next year, but seeing as it looks like there won't be one... :(
Billing was fun though, and the Beats looked great (we heard one woman behind us exclaiming 'Awwwww, aren't they tiny????' She sounded instantly smitten!
Very nice to meet you Tasmanian ... no ... Tasmin ... no ... er ... Tamsin ...yes, that was it!
Hope you get your Beat soon and it's likely there will be another Billing next year. It's too big not to go on, even if it's a new organiser - so we'll see you there, but hope to see you before at some other event.
As for the van - did anyone see Barbarella? If the boys could get their eyes off Jane Fonda, there were some very similar vehicles in the film!
28-07-2003, 06:43 PM
Hi Tamsin,
Shame I missed you at the show, but theres always next time...
Hopefully Billing will continue, there are just a few issues that need sorting but hopefully they can be done with the help of the clubs that attend.
I agree about the impreza's, some of them look nice when subtley done but others are a bit much...
The van though was actually for sale @ £12995 :eek: The interior was white leather with mirror tiles etc.. and it had 4 exhaust pipes (2 each side) poking out of the rear bumper at a 45 degree angle aiming at the sky...
I sort of remember Barbarella John but I'm a bit young to remember much about it...:D
...don't you remember Ade, we saw her spaceship at the Leicester Space Center meeting. I don't know which excited me most that day - the spaceship or your (then) brand new colour scheme!!
30-07-2003, 05:55 PM
Hi all,
Nice to meet you paul, adrian et all. Paul need money back for the baby beat, its not grown an inch!!!. Sue loves it though great little model.
Shame to hear JAE might not go ahead next year enjoyed it very much. 9 beats on the stand at one time on saturday very impressed.
Hope to see you all soon!!
Adrian I need your exhaust!.
Pete & Sue
Glad you and Sue enjoyed your visit. I suspect there will be a JAE next year - we think it's too big now for someone not to pick it up again. so we look forward to meeting you again.
Tell Sue to water the baby Beat with Miracle Gro'!
Excellent picture - thanks for posting it.
Chris and John
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