View Full Version : PP1-110 LSD standard or option?

10-05-2020, 02:10 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm looking to buy into the beat game via an import, and I'm wondering if the PP1-110 LSD was standard or an option. I've been reading around a few threads, but they have some contradictory information.

This one says the LSD is an option:

Whereas the same person says in an earlier post that PP1-110s "should have" one:

I looked up some PP1-110 cars in this database, and there's an ABS option column but no LSD column:
Which would make me think it was standard.

Also, it would be very helpful if there was some way to determine what options a car was ordered with? (without being there)
I'm reasonably sure ABS and an airbag were options on PP1-110 cars, but its hard to tell with some listings pictures whats going on.

Cheers in advance for any knowledge you can dispense,

13-05-2020, 11:16 AM
LSD was option on 110 from the parts manual it comes with ABS

There were 3 versions of Version Z

With Airbag
With ABS & LSD