View Full Version : Coolest Honda Beat

10-01-2020, 05:31 PM
New member from the Canadian prairies, thought I would introduce myself.

I suspect I have the coolest Honda Beat around right now.

By coolest I mean the literal temperature; it was -32c today where I live and drive. That must be the coldest operating temperature anyone has attempted with a Honda Beat right?

In case anyone is curious it basically feels like a snow mobile, it just bounces around on the snow without really getting snagged or anything. The rear weight bias does make it a bit terrifying if you hit black ice with the back wheels.


stu g
10-01-2020, 11:45 PM
New member from the Canadian prairies, thought I would introduce myself.

I suspect I have the coolest Honda Beat around right now.

By coolest I mean the literal temperature; it was -32c today where I live and drive. That must be the coldest operating temperature anyone has attempted with a Honda Beat right?

In case anyone is curious it basically feels like a snow mobile, it just bounces around on the snow without really getting snagged or anything. The rear weight bias does make it a bit terrifying if you hit black ice with the back wheels.


Now that is cold! I find the Beat beaches itself quite easily in snow drifts (because the floor is so low), but on slippery surfaces the handling is a dream - its so predictable and controllable in a slide because of the weight distribution and rwd. Have fun and don't crash it!

4Aaron GE
11-01-2020, 05:13 AM
Man, I really hope they don't salt the roads out in Saskatoon

11-01-2020, 05:52 PM
They use it only in November then switch to Gravel for the rest of winter. Road Salt is ineffective below -20c so its application is extremely limited here. Last time I checked the local mix was 6% salt to 94% sand as well.

04-08-2020, 08:07 AM
It's a pity that you didn't put out the video of how your car behaves in the snow, very interesting!