View Full Version : New Beat owner with some questions.

01-10-2018, 11:52 AM
Hi all

A few weeks ago I purchased one of Morinimans Beat's, it's the Silver car which has sat for for 4 years and needs a comprehensive overhaul.

A friend will be doing most of the work and I've started a Readers Ride thread for the rebuild on Pistonheads as it reaches a wider audience and I think people need reminding what a special little car the Beat is !


I had a few questions to start with.

1) Does anyone know the standard car spring rating ? The cars suspension is currently very hard and I am thinking of ditching it andgoing for adjustable coilovers by Gaz which I can specify my own spring rating. I am not looking to make it super stiff, quite the opposite in fact but it would be good to have a base spring rating to work form and any suggestions for springs would be gratefully appreciated.

2) Radiator anyone have one to sell ? I will post in wanted section also.

For now that's it and I am sure I will be back with many more

Cheers !