View Full Version : My two Beats still for sale

17-06-2018, 08:44 PM
First of all, apologies for all who have previously enquired about my two Beats.

They're still for sale. I recently took the stainless exhaust system off the silver car and put it back on the yellow one, along with the distributor cap I'd also borrowed. Once the starter motor freed up, the yellow car woke from it's 4 year slumber and ran sweetly. I repaired the ECU on this car when I bought it and it would rev cleanly to the red line.

All the brake callipers need an overhaul and rust needs investigating on the rear nearside wing/sill. The front edge of the bonnet is pretty bad too. The bodywork on the silver car is probably better, but the shell feels a little loose, probably as a result of the 170,000 kilometres and the lowering kit (much prefer the stock setup). The engine was also quite an oil burner at this mileage. It's probably still quite a savable car.

There is another quite rough bonnet and a hood frame and I have a new hood in its box.

The cars are stored at my house in Luton, close to J11 of the M1 and would need to be trailered away.

I want £1750 for the lot, or £1200 for the yellow car and £750 for the silver.

Pictures should be on Google drive;


12-07-2018, 08:49 AM
A couple of people have been asking about the hood frame;

https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNquXf9icWkwvUzofHIjY6NAdyIHzldbBCTzEHAEsu9rr xdaQQrRqb4CMTrOCzazw?key=d2Fkdk9QQ1hGNUxxVDJYTUVLd EZkTGtfQmxjbHln

I'm asking £100,

I'm recovering from a motorcycle collision and won't be able to package the frame for shipping. I should be able to cable tie it shut, so it could be collected by courier.

23-01-2019, 06:23 PM

are they still for sale?

23-01-2019, 09:44 PM

are they still for sale?

Both sold.

26-01-2019, 01:07 PM
And the roof? Is that still available?

Do you maybe have some details of the buyer if yours? Ive checked their reg and they are still sorned. He might want to sell some parts as I need parts to get mine back on the road.

26-01-2019, 02:39 PM
one of the 2 appears to have no need for a roof....
