View Full Version : My honda beat is stolen

11-06-2018, 02:18 PM
Hello guys!

My carnival yellow honda beat was stolen somewhere at the end of last week.

It was a beat from 1992 that was imported to the netherlands

Its license plate number was RV - 338 -H

It had the following mods
Tein coilovers
Nardi steering wheel
Bride low max bucket seats
Spoon window banner
Rays volk re37v
Dark tail lights

The police suspects that the car is probably taken abroad to either eastern europe or africa.

I was in the middle of revamping it so I am trying to find the best/most accurate pictures and i will post some later

If you guys have any tips or if you guys see something suspicious then please PM me.

29-06-2018, 02:08 AM
That is awful. Sorry man. I'm in the US, but will keep an eye out when I'm looking around for parts and such. Hope you find it soon!

30-06-2018, 10:09 PM
Bummer. :-(