View Full Version : Job Lot of Beat Parts for Sale!

Tamsin Nunley
17-05-2018, 12:16 PM
Job Lot of Beat parts I'm hoping to sell altogether. They are good as new (ordered, then unused, then never got round to fitting them, typical me!) and are as follows:

1 x Clutch release bearing:

1 x cover plate:

1 x friction plate:

1 x synchronizer:

Make me an offer if interested - you might be surprised! (when I last checked they were worth a grand total of about £600! I made a kind of half-cocked attempt to sell them a few years back, but this time it really needs to happen as we're decluttering the house to sell!)

Will be plus postage (looking at the website i estimate around the £15 mark?)




Tamsin Nunley
19-05-2018, 11:59 PM
Argh... so it seems I missed a bunch of belated PMs from people interested in these parts individually last time they were for sale 😩 (why I can see this on my phone but didn’t notice it on my laptop, I’m not sure).

On that basis it’s worth mentioning that I will consider splitting them up if people are interested but, more to the point.. I’ve set myself a reminder to check back here every few days, to prevent such a frustrating situation for potential buyers happening again, where you are PMing me and not getting a reply as I’ve forgotten the post is here/ am not checking my email etc.

For the same reason, if there is no interest/I decide to eBay, I’ll delete this post.

And huge apologies to anyone left hanging last time 😞

Tamsin Nunley
20-06-2018, 01:53 PM
Just a little *bump*

Ready to consider offers, and to split these up. At this point I really just want them to go somewhere useful rather than sit in my wardrobe! :o

09-07-2018, 02:12 PM
What kind of price are you thinking on the parts? I will be doing the timing belt on my Beat soon and was thinking of doing the clutch at the same time..

Tamsin Nunley
17-07-2018, 09:15 AM
Hi Paul - PMed you! :)

21-09-2018, 04:15 PM
clutch parts still available? Do you send to Germany?

Tamsin Nunley
29-10-2018, 01:00 PM
Hi Hans - sorry, but they have been sold to gentleman who enquired a while back. My apologies for not replying sooner (been having real issues with getting updates re new posts and emails from these forums again - might need to review my junk mail settings!)