View Full Version : mtg documentation of build date
10-03-2017, 12:54 AM
Can anyone offer documentation for pp11016872 for submission to motor vehicle dept. Have concern about true build year.
10-03-2017, 11:27 PM
for what reason?
which Veh. dept?
in the UK registration doesn't always mean date of build, seatbelt tags are usually a good sign of year but not neccessarily month plus as they were never imported officially UK Beats can have same year Reg applied but different chassis nos by 000's
stu g
11-03-2017, 03:12 AM
Do you have the Japanese deregistration certificate? If so scan and post it and I will read it for you - it may well be on there.
11-03-2017, 05:04 PM
Can anyone offer documentation for pp11016872 for submission to motor vehicle dept. Have concern about true build year.
Hi Marc, using the chassis number you have provided I asked a Beat tuner in Japan that I am friends with to check it out and he has confirmed this particular car as being built in 1991. Although he did say he couldn't give an exact month though, hope this provides some clarification sorry I couldn't help on the documentation though.
stu g
12-03-2017, 05:51 PM
There is plenty online about this. The importer should have some of this information. In the UK you just provide a translation of this certificate and that is good enough for the registration Agency.
See here for the sort of certificate you should be looking for in any paperwork you have - the importer will not have been able to get it out of Japan without it.
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