View Full Version : Lookin Good!
09-07-2003, 03:27 AM
Hi Everyone
Finally got my beloved 'zippy' back from the paint shop, and if i do say so myself he is lookin good!
Hopefully i have attached a few pics for you to see.
I am going to be giving the car a big service soon does anyone have the part numbers for the
Fuel Filter
Oil Filter
Air Filter
Is there anything else apart from the cambelt that i should have checked out as i dont want to lose the car after just getting him.
09-07-2003, 03:29 AM
Some More Pics
09-07-2003, 03:30 AM
And another
09-07-2003, 08:03 AM
Fuel Filter 16010-SS1-505
Oil filter 15400-PM3-004
Air filter 17220-P36-010
Check the distributor, Bearing problems mentioned at various times on this board.
Hi Ouija,
Looking REALLY well!!!
The Hard Top looks superb!!!
Was that on the car when you bought it or did you add it?
I'm really jealous - :D
Tamsin Nunley
09-07-2003, 11:11 AM
Wow! Zippy looks spankingly good - did he have a re-spray or something....???
11-07-2003, 02:43 AM
Yeah i got the car with the hard top.
Need it as the car has had the soft top removed before i got it.
Also the pictures where taken after I picked the car up from the painters.
If you look closely you can see that the car was in need of a good polish, which it has had since these pictures were taken.
I am planning to try and get a quote for a replica hardtop as i know most people on here would probably be interested.
ill keep you all posted.
Hi Ouija,
Please do keep us up to speed - if it looks half as good as yours I'd be very interested :) !!!
Did it cost much for a re-spray? Its such a small car. A friends Dad has a paintshop and I've been buttering him up for months ... :)
Take Care,
Tamsin Nunley
11-07-2003, 12:29 PM
Would definately be interested in a replica hardtop (if I ever get round to Beat ownership, that is! :p ).
And, like dave, curious about the cost (and the whole process) of the re-spray......
17-07-2003, 10:08 AM
Oiuja, would you mind if I used some of the pics here for my site, you know 'happy beat owner get a paint job' type article...
23-07-2003, 02:15 AM
I dont mind at all OZ.
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