View Full Version : Changes to U-UKHBC

23-09-2016, 01:13 PM
Hello folks!
I know..its been a while!

Just to let you know of some changes i'm planning.
As you will know i'm not what you would call 'involved' in the site these days, and its also pretty obvious that the rest of the site gets very little use (its pretty ancient now, like me!)
So i'm planning a few changes
first of all, i'll be migrating the site over to wordpress at some point, the forum wont change but the rest of the main site will. This will help people find us and look a bit nicer!
Secondly I need to had over the reigns to someone more involved. This would mean handing over the running of site (doesn't need much!), the membership creation (one or two a month) and the financial running.
The site currently costs 5.99 a month for hosting and about 30 quid every 2 years for domain renewal. Not exactly breaking the bank, and you guys always help out when asked.

So...If you fancy running the best Honda Beat website in the world...let me know.

Paul W

Its either that or we merge with KKITP (just a thought)

Tado - I know you expressed an interest a few years ago, let me know if you are still interested in running it all. Otherwise i'm open to offers!