View Full Version : Stainless exhaust

30-07-2016, 01:01 AM
Hi All,

I hope your beat is running well and you are enjoying the wind in your hair.

I may need a favour. I had arranged for a U-UKHBC member to bring his unwanted stainless steel exhaust across from Germany today after I had agreed to buy it. However the rendezvous didn't happen unfortunately.

Hans is holidaying in Hayle Devon until the 12th August 2016. He will then make his way back across to Dover for the return ferry. So that covers most of the southern coast of England up to the M25 orbital. I wondered if we had any members who would accept delivery of the exhaust for me and ship it up to Leeds at my cost of course. A big ask I know, but we share a common love so I'm optimistic that someone will help me out.

If you can help me out then please PM me.



31-07-2016, 07:43 AM
Hi All,

as Dave wrote I am in Hayle Cornwall at the moment and have the stainless steel exhaust with me. If there is somebody in Penzance, Truro or close to this area I will bring the exhaust. On Friday August 12th I will travel back home and can stop somewhere between Exeter and Dover.

Kind regards, Hans

stu g
01-08-2016, 02:54 PM
I'm in Camberley, just off the M3 so almost certainly only a couple of miles off Hans' route, however even if it is dropped off here, the issue of getting it to Leeds is still an issue. It would be quite heavy/bulky so probably not convenient through Royal Mail (and nothing is convenient through Royal Mail, the thought of queuing up on a Saturday morning fills me with dread). It would probably need to go by courier. One option is for Mamook to arrange for a courier to pick it up from wherever Hans is. There are any number of firms which can pick it up from wherever Hans is http://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/pay/shipping-services.html


01-08-2016, 09:31 PM
Hi All,
Problem solved.
Thanks Stu for the offer and advice.
Facebook has actually added some positive value for the first time ever. I noticed that an acquaintance of mine was holidaying near Hans due to his facebook posts, so I managed to arrange a rendezvous between them and the deal is complete.