View Full Version : Insuring my Beat

10-07-2016, 07:24 PM
Hi, over the years I've used Sure Team Direct, Performance Direct, Footman James and Adrian Flux. I've gone for a reasonable premium but always insisted on an agreed value. The renewals can always be beaten by changing companies. I've only claimed twice over two different insurers for a windscreen repair. One was £72 up front and a full refund and the other was £65 and £25 compulsory excess. I'm wondering if members favour (or otherwise) any insurer? I have an Admiral multi car policy for my other cars and they will insure the Beat for a rediculously low amount but won't agree a value so I decline their offer. They tell me they'll give me its worth should a claim happen though I doubt they could value it correctly. A 25 year old car would command a value much less than you could even buy the mats for! The car is original with a spoiler, cd auto changer, front fogs and has a superior quality hood. The policy is up at the end of September and it cost around £160, 5k/yr, £3.5k value. My theory with insurers is the test isn't the cost but the service/satisfaction. Oh, Admiral said they'd charge £100. I'd be interested to hear members' views.