View Full Version : Genius and retard in equal measure...
17-05-2016, 03:35 AM
... is how I would describe my decision to buy this... b.jpg ( b.jpg.html) e.jpg ( e.jpg.html)
Its got rusty sills, doesnt run, needs a new roof, and I know next to nothing about Beats, apart from that I love them and have always wanted one.
I will be spending many an hour trawling this forum no doubt, so thought I would say hello!
I'm sure many super noob questions are to follow, so I will try and get some use of the search bar in to make sure I'm not 'that guy' that asks the questions that have been answered every other week for the past eternity, but I would really like this on the road this year, so will have many questions.
I need a clutch cable as my pedal goes to the floor (hoping its just cable!), and new wing mirrors, to lose the bike backbox that is currently on it, and definitely need a steering boss so I can put a smaller steering wheel in it (lanky git problems!!).. Anyone have any of those things?
I hear the solder in the ECU goes brittle and fails, the fuel pumps can seize if not used for a while (which this hasnt been), and the timing is super important and commonly incorrect, so that would be where I will be starting with the diagnosis.. If anyone has any other suggestions that would be super awesome.
But yeah, what you know about my Beat is now on the same level as how much I do, so thats a bonus! :help:
4Aaron GE
17-05-2016, 08:48 AM
It's a hydro clutch. Try bleeding the system first and see how that goes. Mind you, the clutch slave is located in one of the most inconvenient places ever. Unless you have a lift, you'll likely have to take off the access panel in the trunk and get in there with a flashlight.
17-05-2016, 12:08 PM
Oh right!! Well thank you very much for that!! (Told you I was a noob..) :rolleyes:
I will do some searching and try to find where that is!
What fluids should I use for oil/clutch? ta
4Aaron GE
17-05-2016, 01:44 PM
DOT4 brake fluid is sufficient.
Let me know if you need any help with the steering wheel situation. There are TONS over here.
19-05-2016, 08:42 PM
DOT4 for the clutch? Ideal.
Thanks a lot for the offer man, have got a wheel now, but I definitely need a boss.. Would you be able to help with that? :)
Also, on a bit of an update front, from what I can gather, the plug leads are on the wrong way round, and the lambda is in the glovebox... Neither things ideal, but easily fixed..
If thats the only reason it wont start I will be a very happy man...
4Aaron GE
20-05-2016, 05:18 AM
Incidentally, yes. I can in fact get you a hub/boss
21-05-2016, 06:17 AM
Yes please mate. Price on that would be ideal. Also if you can get hold of some wing mirrors that would be ace
4Aaron GE
21-05-2016, 07:40 AM
I should be able to find the hub at retail. I'll have to look a bit harder for the mirrors.
Where are you located, BTW?
24-05-2016, 01:38 AM
I am in Devon, England. That would be awesome if you could, would be nice to get my wheel on!
Does anybody have a photo of how the end of the fuel rail should look? The banjo fitting on mine likes to projectile vomit fuel everywhere as soon as I prime the injectors..
But hey, at least that means the pump isnt seized!! :)
4Aaron GE
24-05-2016, 04:12 AM
Check your messages, Twitch.
24-05-2016, 09:31 AM
sounds like the washers are missing of the banjo fittings
25-05-2016, 03:06 PM
I have replied to your message 4AaronGE. And yeah, I believe they are... Will try and get some pictures.
26-05-2016, 04:05 AM
Well.. today didnt go as well as I'd hoped it would.
Yesterday, I was turning it over for a while, and getting nothing. Then I found this little toggle switch that had been butchered into the dash, so I flicked it to 'on', and literally as soon as I did that I put the ignition on and the fuel pump primes the injectors. And leaked like hell, so I switched it off again and that was that, as I had no copper washers in the right sized for the banjo fitment on the fuel rail, which were missing.
Today, however.. Copper washers sorted and on the banjo, tried turning it, nothing. Flick that switch to 'on' and try again. The fan comes on. Nothing else. Fuel pump does nothing. So the switch that I had (I think understandably) assumed worked the fuel pump, actually works the rad fan. Which did nothing while I was playing with this switch yesterday. I know the pump isnt seized, as it primed the injectors yesterday, but doesnt work today.
Also worthy of a mention is yesterday the car beeped all the time the keys were in the ignition but the ignition wasnt on. Obviously a warning thing to not leave the keys in it. This is the only time it has done this, and also the only time the fuel pump has primed. Meaning that this must be related, and an electrical issue. And if theres one thing I hate its wiring. I havent touched any of the wiring, for multiple reasons. The main one being I have no wiring diagram for it, is there one available??
Has anyone experienced this kind of thing before? Know what its likely to be? Have any ideas at all?
26-05-2016, 09:30 AM
hi twitch i will send you a pm with number give me a call when you are working on car and i will see if i can help as long as its not at 0305 am like your last post hee hee
26-05-2016, 08:02 PM
Cheers man but my phone doesnt really work for calls, always cuts out and is generally rubbish.
The other day I forgot to poke the little thing on the keys into the little hole in the trim by the ignition, I am assuming this is an immobiliser of some sort?
Poking it in the hole has resulted in me getting the beep warning for the keys being in the ignition back, but still no fuel pump priming :(
I have thankfully got my hands on a wiring diagram now, but you know how hard it is to see what is running to where in these things.... So short of ripping all the interior out, which isnt really top of the to do list, its not much help :/
stu g
26-05-2016, 08:42 PM
Cheers man but my phone doesnt really work for calls, always cuts out and is generally rubbish.
The other day I forgot to poke the little thing on the keys into the little hole in the trim by the ignition, I am assuming this is an immobiliser of some sort?
Poking it in the hole has resulted in me getting the beep warning for the keys being in the ignition back, but still no fuel pump priming :(
I have thankfully got my hands on a wiring diagram now, but you know how hard it is to see what is running to where in these things.... So short of ripping all the interior out, which isnt really top of the to do list, its not much help :/
I've never seen one with an original alarm, so I'm guessing any alarm you have is some ancient aftermarket jobbie (which are invariably rubbish and broken), and I reckon that might be the source of some of your woes. Probably best to remove it. If you find it and identify it first, then google how to remove it and repair the wiring loom (they are usually cut in to them).
PS: And I managed the whole post without resorting to some smutty reference to "Poking it the hole has resulted in me getting the beep warning"! :-)
27-05-2016, 12:16 AM
ahahahaha!! Someone has a dirty mind.. Like my mate who now only refers to any work done on the Beat under the title 'beating it off'..
I know where the alarm is, its some proper 80s looking thing that looks a bit like a walkietalkie under the bonnet.. Hope removing it isnt too much of a pain!
4Aaron GE
27-05-2016, 10:14 AM
BTW, get under your car and take a look at the front of the footwells. That's where mine has rusted through. Also the backside of the rears of the rocker panels. ESPECIALLY if there's rust on the doorsills.
28-05-2016, 05:04 AM
Thanks man, I will check out those areas and report back
31-05-2016, 12:58 PM
I am in Cornwall and can probably help, If you have probs send me a message and I'll let you have contact details.
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