View Full Version : Earth points? non start

02-11-2015, 08:06 PM
Very close now but no cigar, I've checked the plug lead order and everything is fine, ecu light comes on then goes off as it should also relay clicks when it should do as well.

We have fuel as we pulled rail out slightly and can see injectors firing, double checked static timing to the line on the fly wheel the white one although on mine it wasn't white more like a clean line that was ok, pulled dizzy again and followed fitting guide to refit that was also ok.

Car will turn over nicely and smooth now no problem but no starting, checked for spark and we are getting spark if we hold the plug to the body/bulkhead but try it on the engine and no spark at all. Advise on earth points in the engine bay and what to double check and what else to do? Unsure if the ignitor on bulkhead may be starting to go causing the lose of spark but then again that wouldn't cause the plugs to loose spark anywhere on the engine.

02-11-2015, 10:53 PM
sounds a bit odd but have you tried a jump lead from battery negative direct to engine block if you are having a earth problem that will cure it and in theory it should start
then you can try and do a volt drop once running give me a call and i will guide you through it.