View Full Version : Newbie

14-10-2015, 08:48 PM
Hi, bought a 91 yellow beat about a month ago. Been scouring the web for info etc. Plenty found and lots of reading done. Already had a few Hondas previously, Civics, CRX's and still got a ep3 type R.
Beat is quite original apart from some yellow centred wedsport wheels. Long list of things to be done. Luckily don't live far from Gavin, and managed a little visit and an informative chat :-)
First on list major service etc belts tensioners, oil, filters etc etc
Rev counter not working so took binnacle off tonight, and found that someone had prev tried to solder the blue wire to the printed circuit sheet :-o. Is this salvageable or do I start looking for some new clocks ??- Any advice gratefully received.


4Aaron GE
15-10-2015, 07:28 AM
Is the trace that the PO tried to solder to broken? If not, you can probably just put a ring terminal on the blue wire and connect it to the screw that's directly above it in the picture (provided that they're on the same trace).

Follow that particular trace back in the other direction too. I kind of want to know why they did that in the first place.

18-10-2015, 11:08 PM
Thanks for that Aaron, next time I take it apart I ll have another go at it

4Aaron GE
05-11-2015, 04:13 AM
Hey man. I picked up a new cluster for my car. If you want the one I pulled out (Tach is malfunctioning, and odometer is busted), let me know.