View Full Version : Beat just died -diagnosis anyone?
I'd just cleaned inside and out, topped up oil & water and she'd sailed through the MOT, the sun came out, hood down.... but then...
Driving slowly and suddenly there was a noise like a small backfire and the engine cut out. All the dash lights were on, as though I was about to start the engine. Coasted to a halt, turned the key and 'whirr' -as if the starter is spinning, but not turning the engine.
Sitting at the lights earlier, I had thought the engine had a bit of a rattle that I didn't recognise. Other than that, everything's been as normal.
I keep thinking maybe the 'C' word (cambelt?). The engine was rebuilt around 80k km -it's now done 105k. Regularly serviced.
Can anyone suggest things to check to help a diagnosis?
stu g
30-06-2015, 10:52 PM
Hmm, could be a number of things. Check in this order:
1. Cambelt intact
2. Distributor moving around (take the cap off and turn over the engine whilst watching it)
3. Compression test.
If you don't find anything unusual from this then come back.
However, on the positive side, I'm after a new ECU and you sound like you might have one for sale soon :awwww:
01-07-2015, 01:03 AM
Hmm, could be a number of things. Check in this order:
1. Cambelt intact
2. Distributor moving around (take the cap off and turn over the engine whilst watching it)
3. Compression test.
If you don't find anything unusual from this then come back.
However, on the positive side, I'm after a new ECU and you sound like you might have one for sale soon :awwww:
hi stu this sounds like a very similiar event i had last year and my best advise is do not crank the engine
get it to your home or garage and remove the engine bay cover and dizzy cap
with key off put car in gear and rock slightly to see if rotar arm moves
it probably wont
i would mark the dizzy and take it out to see if it has siezed (hopefully it has )
if dizzy turns free then probably the cam belt failed
i was lucky and replaced the dizzy and timed it up and the car started fine probably due to me not turning it over much
hope the same has happened on your car (in a nice way ) and gavin did have a few dizzys a while back
good luck and keep us updated
Thanks for the replies and advice. I'll check the dizzy at the weekend and then she's being properly looked at next week. I'll report back.
Stu -you may get that ECU yet, but it'll still have the car attached!
08-07-2015, 08:39 AM
Cambelt change every 40 thousand km iirc
Easy to check once covers are off, regards ecu if one is needed let me know I should be able to sort
08-07-2015, 03:49 PM
Cambelt change every 40 thousand km iirc
Easy to check once covers are off, regards ecu if one is needed let me know I should be able to sort
every 60,000
The results are in! It looks as though the water pump collapsed, taking the cambelt and other bits with it. The good news (!) is that only the valves were damaged in the process.
So, I have a shopping list, below. Can anyone help with any of it?
all inlet valves
all exhaust valves
12x valve stem seals
water pump
cyl head gasket set
timing belt kit
I'm hoping that it's not going to be too difficult to get the bits... I'd love to get the car back on the road before the summer is over!
10-08-2015, 08:12 PM
The results are in! It looks as though the water pump collapsed, taking the cambelt and other bits with it. The good news (!) is that only the valves were damaged in the process.
So, I have a shopping list, below. Can anyone help with any of it?
all inlet valves
all exhaust valves
12x valve stem seals
water pump
cyl head gasket set
timing belt kit
I'm hoping that it's not going to be too difficult to get the bits... I'd love to get the car back on the road before the summer is over!
Jc I can sort everything bar the valves mate as cambelt went on mine at Christmas so I had to order all that from Japan, price wise I can get that lot in cheaper that what it would cost you at the dealer and within a few weeks no delay either.
That lot there consists of timing belt, water pump, both oil seals, both tensioners, rocker gasket, valve stem oil seals and headgasket, can also sort alternator and aircon belts to if needed let me know and I will get on it asap for you.
I know the valves are quite pricey so if need be I can also look for a head with good valves in to if it will save you some money?
Massive, hearty thanks to both John and Gavin for all the help getting the parts for the rebuild -you guys have been brilliant! Bits now with the garage guys and they'll start on it next week. Soon be back on the road!
A couple of bolts sheared off whilst gently removing the engine. Does anyone have a pair of the bolt/spring/nut set which joins the catalyst to the exhaust? As for as I can see from the diagrams, the part nos are:
bolt 18231-SR3-A21
spring: 18230-SA0-930
nut: 90115-SH3-J30
It also looks like the heavily corroded catalyst thermo sensor has broken off. Should I just short it out as suggested here?
Ta! -Jc.
03-11-2015, 09:08 PM
Cat thermo sensor you can bin doesn't do much at all mine ran fine without, as for the bolt and nut if the springs are ok i'd just go to your local nut and bolt shope and get some in stainless few quid tops, ill check for you though if I still got the bolts though. Happy to help any time only a text away
Great, I'll ignore the sensor, particularly When Honda want £270 with delivery in January.
Turns out the bolt/spring/nut combo is in stock, delivered this week, £12 for a 5-pack. Result!
Wahoo! Back on the road just in time for the sunshine this weekend. It was a long, hard slog, but worth it. Silly big grin now firmly back in place
A huge thank you to everyone who helped, with particular gratitude to John M and Gavin for all the bits and to Dennis the engineer who did all the hard work.
And wow, does that engine sound sweet!
14-03-2016, 11:03 PM
Was thinking about this today was going to text you, but glad it's all sorted.
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