View Full Version : Clutch release bearing/Cover plate/Friction plate/ Synchronizer

Tamsin Nunley
02-11-2014, 03:05 PM
Hi Folks,

Ex-beat owner here with some parts to sell.

Many years ago Steve_M ordered me in some parts as I was looking to give my slightly clunky gearbox a bit of TLC (if i remember correctly!).

Well, I never got round to it and my little Beat is long sold (tho i hope still out there somewhere - headed to Wales, last I heard!).
So well over five years later, I have discovered the parts lying around still packaged and good as new.
Myself and him indoors took an inventory today, and we have...

1 x Clutch release bearing:

1 x cover plate:

1 x friction plate:

1 x synchronizer:

In all honesty, I can't remember what i paid for these, £600 - £800 rings a bell (maybe someone out there in the know can guesstimate. It was about 2005ish i think!!..?)

At any rate, I thought it was worth finding out a) if anyone has a ballpark figure for the value of these parts and b) if anyone is interested in making me an offer for the lot, before I hit ebay!



04-11-2014, 10:39 PM
Tam, these are the prices Steve gave me back in August

Friction plate 22200-P36-020 @ £94.72
Pressure plate 22300-P36-010 @ £153.28
Release Brg 22810-P37-015 @ £38.94

05-11-2014, 12:47 PM
Synchro, (Which is 1st - 2nd) is £342.88

05-11-2014, 09:56 PM
I was wondering what the hell the synchronizer was:o

Never really called them by their proper title

06-11-2014, 09:47 AM
Hi, I am interested in the release bearing if you want to sell separately!

Hi Folks,

Ex-beat owner here with some parts to sell.

Many years ago Steve_M ordered me in some parts as I was looking to give my slightly clunky gearbox a bit of TLC (if i remember correctly!).

Well, I never got round to it and my little Beat is long sold (tho i hope still out there somewhere - headed to Wales, last I heard!).
So well over five years later, I have discovered the parts lying around still packaged and good as new.
Myself and him indoors took an inventory today, and we have...

1 x Clutch release bearing:

1 x cover plate:

1 x friction plate:

1 x synchronizer:

In all honesty, I can't remember what i paid for these, £600 - £800 rings a bell (maybe someone out there in the know can guesstimate. It was about 2005ish i think!!..?)

At any rate, I thought it was worth finding out a) if anyone has a ballpark figure for the value of these parts and b) if anyone is interested in making me an offer for the lot, before I hit ebay!



Tamsin Nunley
07-11-2014, 01:51 PM
Thanks for the pricing, folks!

obiwanwasabe, yep, i am happy to sell separately :0)

By all means, PM me.