View Full Version : New Modified Beat Owner
21-10-2014, 12:28 PM
Hey everyone
I was reccommended to join here after buying two Beats off Beecee (his silver one and john m's old red one)
I dont really know how I ended up with them it was a spur of the moment thing but I didnt want to miss out on the chance of owning one (or two) Beats
The silver one came with a nice spec already
HKS Exhaust
Mitsu funnels
Mugen bumper with Fogs
Mugen Suspension
Sideskirts (unknown brand so far)
Enkei J Speeds (13 & 14" staggered)
Brian and John put alot of work into their Beats over the years so there is alot of new and reconditioned parts including new Roof, distributor, coil, ECU etc so should hopefully be reliable in my ownership
The red one (Johns old one) is now wearing a badly rusted Back Yard Special Exhaust, ripped roof and needs a back bumper and drivers rear light but its running like a dream so hope to save this too over time..
Immediate plans are to get the Silver one fully tidied up, NCTd (Irish MOT) and then ad a few more bits and maybe bring it to a track day in the new year.
I fitted 15" TE37s to it yesterday while I get new tires on the J Speeds and then stripped out the interior to clean it all down before refitting
Here are some pics anyway looking forward to getting to know ye on the forum
21-10-2014, 12:29 PM
21-10-2014, 12:29 PM
When the interior was out I put in a Bride Zeta III seat I think it looks good in there and lets you sit even lower to the road
Ill see if I will keep that in once I refit the plastics and carpets
21-10-2014, 03:02 PM
I want it back
21-10-2014, 05:19 PM
nice to see you making good use of the luggage rack !!! looks a tidy car
21-10-2014, 09:36 PM
You nearly could have today Brian. Spent 3hrs today cleaning up the door cards it was a trying moment so early in the relationship ha ha
Mikei I think that was pushing it to the limit. Is there actually a practical use for the rack? Its pretty small and the recommend 5kg limit wouldnt allow for much either.
21-10-2014, 09:49 PM
Did it all come off Paul , didnt think it would be hassle , ive used the boot rack and had well over 5kg on it with no problems .
21-10-2014, 09:54 PM
cleaning the glue from the doors and door cards is a pita
silver one looks lovely
21-10-2014, 10:30 PM
The main flat areas were fine came off easily in nearly one piece using degreaseing wipes, it was the speaker grills that took ages. I split them then and washed them front and back with warm soapy water and will finish them with plastic cleaner tomorrow
The rest of the plastics should be a bit easier and will get the same treatment
Thanks Gavin. There is some sealer on the back of the doorcards alright its a nightmare to clean and gets on everything
Will get pics of the red one when its dry to pull it from under the cover.
21-10-2014, 11:11 PM
bumper and rear light can sort from Japan if you need help on that but Mikei poss be able to help as he got 1.5 beats recently, going to be getting a hard top after new year so anything you need let me know
22-10-2014, 12:52 AM
Id love to get a hard top but they are big money in Japan.
Mugen ones seem easy got but huge money there was a feels one listed today at a somewhat affordable price.
22-10-2014, 04:01 PM
Oooof. Zetas and TE37's in a beat. good work. they glitter back?
what are the tyre sizes?
22-10-2014, 04:28 PM
Yea the Zeta is glitter back with no graduation the beat rails are actually very easy to mount to will do it properly over the weekend with pictures
The te37s are 15x6.5 with a 6mm spacer to clear the front shock
Tires are 195/50 15 but they are rubbing the arch liner a bit on full lock so gotta try change it around or pull the castor forward a bit.
23-10-2014, 09:29 AM
haha that's a fair old tyre size! could drop to a 195/45?
23-10-2014, 09:46 AM
Not sure who asked about seat rails but this is how i did mine...
23-10-2014, 12:40 PM
Thats very tidy looking what seat are you going for in yours? Are you going ahead with a bike engine swap?
Ill be mounding the seat to the original sliders to keep it adjustable if it doesnt sit too hing in the car, Im 6ft2 so it could be a little tight
Yesterday I fitted some SSI Factory carbon mirrors and wrapped the intake vents in gloss black vinyl, I wanted to change around the look a little
Still not 100% on either of them.. What do ye think?
Here is some of the interior cleaning Im doing too.. Stripping back the interior paint Brian put on the plastics, it did look good but is peeling off so decided to do it right and strip out the whole interior and ceal and wash it all down properly before fefitting it all back in
(Those speaker grills were a real pain to do too)
23-10-2014, 12:41 PM
And here is the other Beat, Johns old one, still got to figure out what Ill do with this but it will hopefully get some use again
And yea I know I could just use the interior from this and save myself the tedious cleaning job but I want to try keep them both as tidy as possible so the red one doesnt just turn into a scrapper
23-10-2014, 01:05 PM
just got a sparco in it i had lying around. nothing as fancy as a Zeta III i'm afraid.
yeah, bike engine next year, although currently on daily duties as it's my only working car!
23-10-2014, 01:25 PM
Like the mirrors , don't like the vents .
23-10-2014, 01:38 PM
I had the Zeta there for my CRX I didnt buy it specially for the Beat but think Ill go with more comfortable recliners in that instead as I want to keep that more useable to take on long trips, the Beat will be a car to take out for sunday blasts around twisty country roads.. Id love to get the Beat up for a few daily duties too but want to get the windows sitting right against the roof so a bit of adjustment and need to get the test sorted on it too
Brian: I didnt think youd like the mirrors or even me for that matter but I kinda like the agressive (as a Beat gets anyway) look.. Yea vents will stay for a while but its only a matter of taking off the wrap they are the ones from the red one aswell so can change over and back
23-10-2014, 06:49 PM
got similar mirrors on mine look good see feck all though lol red one won't take much to sort out
24-10-2014, 02:20 PM
I never adjusted the last ones right so cant compare but the clouded rear screen limits visibility too I just dont look abak anymore ha
Yea the red one will be wearing a few silver parts but if I got a bumper and light it would be fairly complete, I might see about getting the roof restitched/repaired too
24-10-2014, 09:30 PM
The cleaning of the interior has really become a full on job, its just a shell of a car on the inside now... Will be worth it whan it all goes back together cleaned up like new though
The result now though is that this tiny car is starting to take over the house!! The carpets, mats and seats are in another room after a full valet
And this is the first thing I bought specifically for the car, a medium car roof cover that does the Beat nicely.. Will give my time to get the adjustments right on the doors and roof to stop the leaks..
The Del Sol in the backround is what got me onto the slippery slope of convertable Honda ownership
24-10-2014, 11:24 PM
had a del sol myself I like them :) need to do similar job on my bear this weekend well get all the glue form the doors off which is a mess
26-10-2014, 01:04 AM
Yea that glue is a disaster ill see about taking it off mine now since its all stripped down.
Finally nearly everything is clean gonna clean up and vac the whole inside before refitting everything and spray up a few marks on the floor.
29-10-2014, 02:54 PM
After a good bit of searching last night I found the the side skirts on my beat to be mad by a company called Bee! Tune..
I cant find a website for them but they are for sale on a few wholesale sites in Japan they also do a full kit and spoilers
01-11-2014, 08:00 AM
I assume that first pic is a modified intake system. Any more info on that?
01-11-2014, 11:05 AM
standard ally airbox with knock in trumpets fitted,filter fits over the box then plastic cover with cold air feed screws on.
Placebo effect,may sound better though, power not gonna be altered.
02-11-2014, 07:07 PM
Yea it has Mitsu funnels but behind standard airbox and filter I doubt there is any gains or even a sound differece..
The red one has a HKS intake I cound use but short of running a good air intake and without a filter or a much better flowing filter I cant see there being much gains.. I will try a few things in the new year and see how they work but for now its just staying as funnels in an airbox
08-11-2014, 10:07 PM
Cant really do much with this at the minute because I broke my shoulder two weeks ago so its sitting without an interior outside until I regain some strength to go reassemble it..
I did however track down a different wheel setup that might work a little better with the Beats small size
14x6j et38 Volk TE37s they definately fit a little better..
They still require a spacer on the front to clear the shock and the tire is touching the arch liner on turning but they are more at up under it I think
Heres how they compare to the 15x6.5js
There isnt as much difference as I would have thought really
08-11-2014, 10:08 PM
And back under the cover again until I can go back to the interior properly with hoperully a few more bits to add
Also thinking of selling the Enkei J Speeds that came on it
All in perfect condition
13x5j et35 front 155/65 tire
14x5.5 et45 rear 175/60 tire
08-11-2014, 10:28 PM
white te37s look nice seem to sit much better to, once mines built up again i'm going to redo wheels and get new tyres to probably still go 185 55 or 195 45, hoppe the shoulder mends asap!
09-11-2014, 12:36 AM
Yea I think they will be more useable on the car anyway and can put the 15s back on the Del Sol..
If your planning on running yours without arch liners fitment should be fine on the tires you have said above, mine will be mainly for road though so have to keep them and drop width or profile size.. Thanks on the shoulder too four more weeks in a sling so out of work and cant really do much work on the cars either
10-11-2014, 10:09 AM
ooof those 14's look amazing. much better!
you got a stockpile of small ray's over that side of the water or something? lol
what tyres you running?
let me know if you ever sell those 14" TE's.... :D
10-11-2014, 02:04 PM
Yea the car looks a little less like Choro Q model car now on the 14s..
A lot of good 14/15" alloys came in over the years on jap imports so you can be lucky and pick up some these days still, 14@ TE37s are pretty hard gor but a frind of mine had these got for his EA Civic but will sell them on to me now..
Tires on it are Falken Azenis track tires but Ill haveto change them off fore a more suitable road tire
11-11-2014, 06:26 PM
How much spacer you need to clear the shock running a 14x6 +38?
11-11-2014, 08:55 PM
I went with a 5mm one because I had it there you might be able to use 3 or 4mm too but I did not have any other sizes to check
really really nice! loving seeing all these new work threads. inspiring me to get in the garage and sort all the small jobs on ours that needs doing this winter.
btw - bee tune stuff is sold through automac who also sell the calracer stuff, sure you've seen it already - the widebody automac cars look amazing!
ps - would love to see some details of the zeta mountings. ive been toying with the idea of getting a pair of zodias or exas, but zeta would be easier to find for the drivers side at least.
12-11-2014, 05:31 PM
Yea it has Mitsu funnels but behind standard airbox and filter I doubt there is any gains or even a sound differece..
The red one has a HKS intake I cound use but short of running a good air intake and without a filter or a much better flowing filter I cant see there being much gains.. I will try a few things in the new year and see how they work but for now its just staying as funnels in an airbox
Doubt any intake will make much of a difference performance wise, I just want it to sound better.
Which intake system would make the car sound better?
12-11-2014, 09:21 PM
Thanks TADO I saw them on the Automac site alright do they have any site of their own or is Automac the manufacturer?
I started messing with mounting the Zeta yesterday too I will be using universal side mounts and bolting them to the original base, it will need me to modify the seat belt buckle mount but should be ok.. Ill get plenty of pics
cliov6: I have a HKS intake there for it too off the red beat Ill use that setup once I get a new filter element for it.. Will get pics and results up in the next few days
13-11-2014, 07:00 PM
Thanks TADO I saw them on the Automac site alright do they have any site of their own or is Automac the manufacturer?
I started messing with mounting the Zeta yesterday too I will be using universal side mounts and bolting them to the original base, it will need me to modify the seat belt buckle mount but should be ok.. Ill get plenty of pics
cliov6: I have a HKS intake there for it too off the red beat Ill use that setup once I get a new filter element for it.. Will get pics and results up in the next few days
How does the I take system work? It's not like a normal car where it has 1 throttle body and I can just fit a ram intake to replace the airbox and intake pipe.
14-11-2014, 03:29 PM
The intake still works in a kinda similar way heres a good picture of one fitted to a beat
There isnt going to be huge gains but HKS filters generally are pretty loud.. Ill get pics when fitting the one to mine I just need to get a new element for it first becaust it is quiet old and worn
14-11-2014, 08:11 PM
The intake still works in a kinda similar way heres a good picture of one fitted to a beat
There isnt going to be huge gains but HKS filters generally are pretty loud.. Ill get pics when fitting the one to mine I just need to get a new element for it first becaust it is quiet old and worn
So you take out the original intake filter and put a pipe and aftermarket cone filter to replace it?
16-11-2014, 02:20 AM
Pretty much. Ill post pictures of the setup when Im doing it
16-11-2014, 01:26 PM
What's this for?
16-11-2014, 02:13 PM
Those ^^ are the cheaper version of the more commonly used funnels mate they just bolt to the base where the airbox bolts to the itbs, if you want to run a hks style induction system all you need is a few bits of silicone some pipe and a good air filter
16-11-2014, 04:49 PM
Do these funnels go under the airbox? Or does it replace the airbox?
17-11-2014, 03:32 AM
Do these funnels go under the airbox? Or does it replace the airbox?
Works just like the individual funnels, does not replace anything. I bought a set - they work fine but took quite a bit of hand finishing. They add a little kick above 7000 rpm.
20-11-2014, 08:16 PM
Finally got back to working on this a bit more..
Now that I had the whole interior out I said Id clean up the floor a bit, the seat rails caused a light surface rust you can see below
All sanded back and cleaned, etch primered and fresh coat of Blade silver has it looking perfect again
20-11-2014, 08:16 PM
And pity to cover it but the fully cleaned up carpets and mats going back in
While it was there in plain sight too I took out the ECU which luckly Brian had the capacitors done in before
To help prevent future problems I decided to add heat reflective tape to the back of the ECU as Ive read heat soak causes some of the problems..
20-11-2014, 08:17 PM
Its very easy fit and looks tidy too.. Does it actually work, I dont know but cant hurt to have it there anyway.
Since this had the Mugen bits already and the interior was getting a clean up I decided to ad a set of Mugen Pedals:
Also added a Mugen gearknob and a set of chequred mats to help protect the original zebra print ones
20-11-2014, 08:24 PM
Looking far tidier on the inside now again with everything cleaned and refitted
Out for a spin then after, finally got it out for a spirited drive had to swap off the TE37s on the front to the wheels with narrower 165 tires as the 175s were catching the arch liner so gonna sort the tires on them asap.. First time fully fitting the tonneau too, its very tidy with the roof down
Also Red is getting some attention too, polished up with the Enkeis and BYS exhaust that were on th esilver one fitted.. Hope to get this complete again soon and maybe keep it standard
20-11-2014, 11:16 PM
Excellent stuff Paul , giving them both the attention I only wish I could have .
21-11-2014, 01:35 AM
Yea Brian if only I could get them properly water tight now Id be happy
john m
21-11-2014, 12:15 PM
That HKS induction kit (I put it onto that red Beat) creates noticeable amount of noise, not unpleasant but like a high pitched whistle and goes well with the exhaust note. The filter element was supposed to be washable (according to the box it came in). You’ll only notice it on full throttle and it’s louder on the passenger side as it extends towards that air intake. The combination of the improved exhaust and induction is probably more sensory than actual performance but I’m sure if you had a stopwatch out you’d see a small difference.
21-11-2014, 12:31 PM
Yea John I found the reciept for that and the exhaust (I wont remind you how much they were:o)
I have driven other cars with HKS filters alright and they are louder, hopefully it leads to some gains too. The elements are washable but this one has actually completely crumbled appart so is only fit for the bin.. As soon as I get the new one Ill throw it on
john m
21-11-2014, 04:21 PM
Yea, all that stuff was expensive.
The parts I bought to put on the car (roof, tonneau, exhaust, induction kit, rear light, timing belt change out at a main dealer, alloys&tyres, stereo head unit, autochanger, speakers.. the list went on and on) and hold as spares (lots of engine stuff, some sold now) cost more than the car did itself back in 2002!
24-11-2014, 01:05 AM
Yea I was just looking at the reciept earlier and realised you got them when the car was 11years old but those bits are now on the car 12years and still in pretty good condition although I swapped across the Head unit to the silver beat and its not powering up although the clock on it works.. I might come back working in time if not Ill open it up and see if I can sort it
I just tried a compound on the faded paint on the boot door earlier and surprised by the result!
Also cleaned back up the interior and noticed it has the pins and clips for the optional interior over covers so muct have had one at some stage in Japan
I had the car running and noticed the engine light was staying on although a little dim, no fault code was showing up so popped open the ECU and spotted a leaking capacitor so ordering up a new set tomorrow and will solder them in this week and hopefully sort it
24-11-2014, 01:15 AM
I finally picked up the other Two TE37s off my friend, these came without tires but Ill be swapping the 165s off the red beat onto them because they are a good fit and dont seem to touch the arch liner or any other bits while driving
Here are the specs Ill be running all round, the fronts require a slip on spacer to clear the suspension (Im using a 5mm one) and 165/65 14" tires
24-11-2014, 01:24 AM
And got out for another great spin today in the silver one on some of the country roads by my house, its more fun everytime I drive it!!
The "Squrossas" off the red beat on because the are the only wheels with good tires I have that fit on the front of it, they will be sorted tomorrow though swapping tires with TE37s all round and looking to pick up centre caps for them (The ones in the pics are robbed off the bronze ones) (
I also found out how light they are on the front and easy to lock up, gonna have to experiment a bit with brakes, weight transfer and handling in the next few weeks to try help it out before going on track in February
24-11-2014, 08:43 AM
I also found out how light they are on the front and easy to lock up, gonna have to experiment a bit with brakes, weight transfer and handling in the next few weeks to try help it out before going on track in February
True! after a near miss at a T-junction I threw a sandbag in the spare wheel, maybe 10 kilos. It really helps.
24-11-2014, 08:56 PM
Yea Brian told me that alright will be trying out a few weights to see how it reacts to them..
Im not sure me upgrading to 262mm brakes will be worth while without addressing this first..
Got the tires swapped today too so ready for TE37s all round tomorrow
24-11-2014, 09:44 PM
Hey good to see the shoulder is mended enough for you to drive, about the weight in the front. Once I get the front brace sorted going to relocate the battery to the front and use a bigger battery anyway should add a decent amount of weight there.
On the brakes front personally I am still going for the swap, the standards never felt that great to me. Talking about this and seeing Bobs I need new wheels!
24-11-2014, 09:54 PM
What kind if brakes do you upgrade to? Is there a set from ankther car that bolts on?
Also, how is the battery relocation done? I'm interested in that, adds more trunk space and better weight balance.
25-11-2014, 01:43 AM
Gavin I should still be in a sling but its just too tempting.. Its been 4weeks looking out the window at it undriven, I had to take it out..
Yea I was thinking about the battery but might just opt for sandbags at the start, Ill try get it up to a friends who has a setup for corner weighting and see how the weight displacenent is at the minute
Bob: Im going to go with front brakes off a EF8 CRX because I have one myself and already have the front swapped out for NSX calipers and 282mm discs. I can use the standard calipers and 262mm discs Ive taken off it then..
Some lads are saying it may need 3mm spacing behind the disc to align it right to the caliper but hope to avoid this using EF parts, I think this may only apply to EG and newer setups as they require similar spacing to work on EFs Ill find out pretty soon
25-11-2014, 05:29 AM
Sounds good! Keep me posted. If it's pretty much a bolt on, I would be interested down the road.
cant wait to see this on the te37's all round. looks ace in the pics. re. the brakes, im pretty sure the guys on minkara have been swapping onto jazz / fit brakes a lot- might be worth investigating for reference?
25-11-2014, 10:07 PM
Other wheels sorted and centre caps on
Here are the calipers and carriers from my CRX will try fit them up tomorrow to get an idea of how they fit, must find the discs they are around somewhere
Also building up to do a full service:
Plugs are the Denso K20PR-U11 (the equivilant to the NGK BKR6E-11)
Oil filter is from Honda its the common one they carry for all petrol hondas through the 90s it replaced the original smaller one listed for the Beat
Using Land Rover MTF in the gearbox as its the usual one used by all 90s Honda gearboxes too
Just wainting on a replacement element for the HKS filter now
26-11-2014, 07:57 PM
Oil change done today
Wainting for more gear oil now and the HKS filter to be delivered to finish it off..
Needs rear pads too but Brian included a set with the car so just have to fit them
27-11-2014, 07:58 AM
What are the specs on the TE37 now?
My set is
Running 165 tires on all 4 corners.
I'm adding 15mm spacers up front and 12mm spacers on the rear.
I'll post pics later.
27-11-2014, 10:17 AM
14x6 et38 front and rear
165/60 tires front (will be the same on the rear when I swap the tires)
6mm slip on spacer front to clear the suspension (maybe your cuscos are a little smaller giving better clearance but my tire is hitting it)
The spacers will be nice on yours to help fill out the arches
02-12-2014, 02:46 AM
Finally getting to use this a bit on the road paid for tax and its booked in for the Irish National Car Test (NCT) next week..
Out on the wet and muddy Irish country roads many miles away from their intended use on Japanese city streets
And even went for some light shopping that was pushing the Beats storage space to its limit :D
02-12-2014, 09:23 PM
I tried some local HKS dealers to get a replacement element for the air filter kit but the were saying around €30+ and could take a few days..
So tried eBay where I came across the exact filter I wanted, some small Mugen stickers and best of all a Hyper Rev Magazine for the Beat all in the one shop (Injection Imports)..
Contacted them and got the whole lot including delivery for €50 and in only 3days..
They said they could also source bits from Japan too so maybe of interest if someone was looking for some small bits as they seem quiet reasonable
Cleaned up the filter now so looks like new and ready to fit it along with the spark plugs tomorrow
03-12-2014, 05:26 AM
I also bought a hyper rev copy from yahoojp. It's on its way!!!
I guess why didn't you opt for a filter from another brand?
03-12-2014, 12:32 PM
There is loads in the Hyper Rev I just wish I understood everything in it!
I went with the HKS because it was fitted to the red Beat and just needed the new foam so it was the cheapest setup to go for.. Going out to fit it up now and will get pics
03-12-2014, 09:34 PM
Well went out and put in the intake today.. Must say there is a great sound off it cant really say if there is much of a power increase but it sounds great
Heres the old filter and intake setup
And the HKS setup (uses originalairbox cover, pipe and rubber. The HKS has an adaptor piper rubber pipe and filter then)
Heres how it looks in the engine compartment:
03-12-2014, 09:38 PM
Heres how it looks in behind the side scoop:
It was alot of stripping for just a filter but glad its done now.. NCT next:)
04-12-2014, 11:24 AM
Great job, can you notice any change in intake sound? More sporty perhaps?
Btw I love the look of your silver beat with the te37's <3
04-12-2014, 06:57 PM
Do you leave the original air filter in the airbox? Or just use the hks filter and leave the airbox empty?
04-12-2014, 08:12 PM
Do you leave the original air filter in the airbox? Or just use the hks filter and leave the airbox empty?
defeats the object with having 2 filters.....
at least the oil vapours filling the ally manifold won't soak the filter :)
04-12-2014, 09:45 PM
Yea I removed the old filter once I fitted the HKS thats how its ment to work
I have an oil catch that I will be fitting to stop the oil coming back in through the intake but waiting to fit it until I spray the rocker cover and new seals come in later next week
There is a big difference in sound with the new filter it sounds great
john m
05-12-2014, 10:42 AM
From what I remember the sound is similar to what you hear with a turbo whisle, that exhaust / filter combo was on the red beat, really sounds great. Try in in a tunnel, the echo is fantastic on full throttlel!!
05-12-2014, 11:56 AM
I'll probably try to make my own when I have a chance to take the intake out.
08-12-2014, 03:09 PM
John I know what you mean now, driving up past 8000rpm there is a real whistle off the intake.. Sounds good and only there when your are coming on high revs so doesnt get annoying.. Hope to get it up on a dyno run Thursday evening so will get some videos and should give a good idea of sound
Had it in for the NCT today failed on headlight out of focus and the High Idle CO emissions were just over the reading but this points at a leak in the exhaust so will reseal all the joints cause I think there is a slight blow in one of them.. Will be fully road legal then
Bob you could probably make one easy enough if you got any universal filter, I would reccommend going for a foam type one like the HKS if your looking for noise as I found they are the loudest in any cars Ive driven with different intakes
17-01-2015, 12:48 AM
Finally retested the Beat yesterday so road worthy for another 12months and just paid entry for a trackday on February 20th..
Might do the timing belt before then just for piece of mind and a few more little jobs but should be pretty set for it anyway
Ending Credits
21-01-2015, 06:32 PM
When I had it my Beat had a muschroom filter fitted directly to the front of the airbox on a metal plate. Can't imagine it did much for airflow, but sounded great.
22-02-2015, 03:42 PM
Well Ive been driving this for the last few weeks and going perfect appart from some annoying water leaks throught the roof seals that I will sort at a later date..
The trackday finally came around too I decided against doing the belt due to time, money and because I think Brian done it before (I hoped)..
Arrived up and a friend of mine had another very rare old Honda too.. A Motocompo fold up scooter, originally sold as an optional extra to fit in the boot of Japanese 1980s Honda Citys.. It almost makes the Beat look big 6684f59a.jpg
So after a quick check over of fluids, tire pressures etc I went out on track ps35644448.jpg
I was very surprised with the car, it obviously lacked the pace of much of the bigger engined track/race cars out but the car as a 660cc performed very well.. Didnt get much front wheel lock under breaking despite what Ive read and seen on videos, it sounded immence, and had lots of grip and control on bends when dry
23-02-2015, 11:25 PM
Fortunately it didnt stay dry
Old/Worn track track tires on the rear and a greasy track led to loads of drifting, was great fun out there sliding most of the track while trying to keep out of the way of faster traffic.. s6430e762.jpg
Even went for some top down skids when weather allowed ps7bc7cf35.jpg
24-02-2015, 01:14 AM
Dori Dori Beat
24-02-2015, 04:24 PM
Heres a quick/rough video from a camera phone, it gives you an idea of the sound from the HKS intake
But all good things come to an end.. After a great day out our wild driving style was noticed and be were black flagged for excessive sliding:o..
Thats a friends standard 1.6 MX5 that was a very close match for the Beat, it barely pulled from it on straights and I could out corner him so were very closely matched on track
21-05-2015, 02:54 AM
Nothing really new on my silver Beat its going great could do with new tires maybe and a few little bits to tidy it more but cant fault it really
21-05-2015, 02:56 AM
Work has started on the red Beat, I managed to track down a red rear bumper including mudflaps and the rear light so now its complete bodywise
(I got them from Beardo on here he has two Beats listed on ebay for breaking)
I need to patch up the roof and exhaust next to make it useable/roadworthy and obviously will need a respray but getting everything else right first
23-05-2015, 08:38 PM
How did you find the silver one on track in terms of the handling? what are your thoughts? to much bodyroll, harder suspension, rear arb?
Red one coming along well the Jspeed look tidy on that, good thing you mentioned beardo tbh messaged him about some doors for mine
25-05-2015, 12:44 AM
I found it great but mine is on Mugen suspension so I'm sure there is less body roll than standard. Have it on slicks too and LSD box so I'm sure they all helped. I was very impressed with its handling and quiet predictive even when sliding.
I really think with a spray job the red beat will look great alright might even swap over all the nice extras off the version z.
Did you message beardo on here or through eBay? I dealth with him by txt and email and he was very helpful.
31-05-2017, 12:39 AM
I have a 1992 Beat 36k from new, in quite good condition.
Previous owner of NSX from 2002 to 2014.
Current owner of 2005 S2000 owned since 2008 - 92k miles,
Also own a 1992 Porsche 928GT, owned since 2002
I live Co Down N.Ireland.
As a first port of call, I am interested in identifying & making contact with other HONDA Beat Owners in NI & ROI.
Slieve Croob.
29-06-2017, 03:38 PM
Hey there,
There is quiet a few Beat owners in Ireland just hard to find them. I've two myself and know of 5 more Beats and their owners. I met a yellow one in the road last week too local to me
05-07-2017, 10:13 PM
Thanks for replying.
My Beat is very low mileage, but unfortunately just recently refuses to rev out above 4500. This happened all of a sudden, while cruising on the open road. All the normal service items / plugs etc are all in good shape. i removed the cover off the ECU, and without poking or interferring, all the caps seem solid enough. Who is the technical guru in Ireland North or South for these gremlins, I live in Co Down
advice on who can help appreciated.
0044 (0) 7932 554260 mob
Slieve Croob
24-07-2017, 09:57 PM
Dont know is the short answer...
1) Is the engine light on ? and if so what code have you found from it ?
2) If there is a ECU fault, I have heard of a guy in England who can repair them....
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