View Full Version : New Honda Beat Owner from Australia

25-09-2014, 07:34 AM

My Name is Chris, I'm from Perth, Western Australia.

I just recently acquired a Honda BEAT '91

https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10710700_10152716563695953_7770694905211901637_n.j pg?oh=32312f61b5daf72e6d2b46d13bbc7239&oe=54BD033C

I have been looking for this car localy in WA for sometimes. and after months of searching I finaly got it!..

She is not in the best conditions comparing to what I have seen here on the forum.

This car is pretty Hard to come by in Australia, as they have change the import rules back in mid 2000's

there are only a handful of this car in Australia, so finding one is sometimes looking for a needle in a haystack! even harder to find Locally in my state!

Looking forward to be apart of this forum :)


25-09-2014, 09:32 AM
Welcome Chris!

If you need used parts, an Oz buddy of mine here in Okinawa is in business selling parts to Australian enthusiasts (All Japanese cars, especially performance parts)