View Full Version : 15 countries in 18 days in the Beat for breast cancer charity

24-09-2014, 10:35 AM
One Photo posted and two links. plenty of photo's and info on the links,2456 it's for a good cause that has the capabilities of affecting all of us! Support us if you can, if not just say hi if you pass through on the facebook or twitter link.


I have had a couple of requests on the social media for a list of the Countries I will be going through, Here is the list so far;
UK, France, Switzerland (Maybe), Monaco, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland (just across the border), Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Luxemburg, Belgium, Possibly into Netherlands, and back across the D Day landings to pay our respects before crossing the Channel then up to Leeds and back down to Cornwall.

Thank You