View Full Version : Downtime

08-09-2014, 05:46 PM
Hi all, sorry about the recent outage. The website was getting around 10k registrations a day and the service provider shut us down. I've locked registration for now and I'm busy deleting almost half a million spam registrations! I'm hoping to trial some new plug ins to stem the flow... I'll let you know how it goes!

12-09-2014, 10:25 AM
Sorry about the further downtime, I really screwed up and nearly lost the whole database! Its all back up and working and should be faster than ever. Just to give you some idea of the mess it got in, I had over 100,000 spam register members and half a million emails queued ready to go! this was around 400MB of data!
I'm leaving the registration locked down for now as it only takes a few seconds to register someone manually.
Let me know if you spot anything wrong!