View Full Version : Newbie looking for info and bits etc

27-05-2014, 09:52 PM
Hi all I have just become a beat owner and I love it it brings me back to my rally days
I have read lots of threads about power and parts etc but initially I would like to know
Is 10 /30 therigth oil as I want to service before it take it France next week
The history shows Honda in Swindon used 10/40 does it matter that much .?
Just bought a cam belt and want to fit that too any advice would be good
Cam belt was done 3 yrs ago about. 16 k miles does it need it now
Going to be towing the beat with my motorhome and then cruising the French countryside in her:)
Thanks in advance I have lots more questions but softly softly etc etc:confused:

28-05-2014, 04:38 AM
Someone might dispute this, but there isn't a lot of difference between 10w30 and 10w40. I believe the factory recco is 10w30 year-round but I use 10w40 in summer in all my cars.
No real need to change the cam belt again so soon unless you suspect something is going wrong.

28-05-2014, 07:21 AM
use 10w40. it'll offer more protection over 10w30

oh and welcome :D

28-05-2014, 08:46 PM
Thanks for that I will go with 10/40 then cheers