View Full Version : Volume +/-

02-02-2013, 01:29 PM
There is something very odd going on with the volume control on my radio - it was only turning the volume down not up, most of the time. I took the knob off today and the 2 pins on the back look identical but if I fit it the other way up then I can turn the volume up but not down. :confused:
Anyone got any ideas?

04-02-2013, 02:54 PM
Hi Don

just looked at my spare unit, took both Volume & Audi Mode off, as you say the pins are identical length so either will fit both sides.
the only difference i can see is the front face of each button is shaped to follow the curve of unit.
I've just replaced them & put one in upside down and it seemed not to click when pressing down?
Not too sure if this helps you but worth a try?