View Full Version : New HT Leads

06-01-2013, 06:08 PM
I've had a few damp mornings recently where the car wouldn't fire up properly. Would start on 1 and struggle for a minute or so until the other 2 cylinders kicked in. First thing to try was the dizzy cap and HT leads.
Cap came from Honda, I got a set of 8mm silicone leads from these people http://www.performanceleads.co.uk (http://www.performanceleads.co.uk/ShowDetails.asp?id=495&code=FLA388) - a perfect fit and the right fittings for the plugs:) (£50 delivered)
Not only does the car start properly now but it seems to have more mid-range torque and the engine is definately smoother! I am very pleased with this little investment:bounce:
(I did buy a new rotor arm too but the old one seems to be welded in place and I didn't have the time to get it off as it was starting to rain)

Andy V
14-01-2013, 09:10 AM
Thank-you fxdlidon, as I need to get some new leads too, your post has excellent timing.

Now I need to track me down a replacement exhaust.......