View Full Version : Forum Upgrade
19-07-2012, 02:29 PM
Hi Folks,
Sorry about the recent site outage, as you can see I have done some work on the Forums.
I'm not that convinced that I like the activity stream (Whats New) but time will tell...
There is also a mobile style that should kick in if you are on your phone or iPad. Ive not tested this yet..let me know!
I'll work on the colours, icons etc in time but i'm just glad its back up and running as I had major issues with a corrupt file.
Anyhoo, let me know your thoughts!
I've had to pay £120 for the proper licence for vbulletin 4, but I get free upgrades from now on and hopefully less dodgy registrations.
Any donations, no matter how small greatly received!
Paul W
22-07-2012, 10:21 AM
Dear Paul, I feel guilty about criticising your efforts in updating the Beat web site, but I absolutely hate the new layout.
Andy V
31-07-2012, 12:24 PM
It is a bit of a shock to the eyes during this first visit, however you decide on the final layout I'm sure I'll get used to it in time.
My main comment is that I'm so pleased you're keeping it going - and I'll chuck a donation your way when I get paid.
Thanks again!
31-07-2012, 05:29 PM
Hehe, its your forum folks, not mine!
Whats wrong? what would you like to see?
Paul W
31-07-2012, 10:44 PM
I would like to srr the new posts come up first when you open the site.
31-07-2012, 11:16 PM
I think thats what the activity stream should do. I just don't like the way its done though.
Do yo mean new threads at the top of each forum David?
02-08-2012, 10:04 AM
New posts come up when I open the site, but I am always logged in - maybe that matters.
Andy V
12-12-2012, 05:36 PM
Paul, I mentioned above that I'd send you a donation......then promptly forgot.
Now I've remembered........I can't find a 'donate' button anywhere, or any other means of making one...........
(Can remember donating before, some years ago, possibly through PayPal, but don't have the details any more).
13-12-2012, 10:13 PM
I would like to make a donation too, if you can let us know how to do so then that would be great!
17-12-2012, 12:01 PM
Hello folks!
Sorry Its been a while since I've had any time to give to the forums, but on the plus side, my house is looking great!
I've had to get back involved this week as I've had around 9Gb of spam registrations! (yes really!) - Hopefully non of them have gotten through, but it does make it tricky to sort the real people from the spam!
I'm moving the site to a pro server over xmas, it may mean a short outage, but will mean I can easily block some of the spam bots.
As for a donate button, i'll try and add it in the next week or so.
Hope you all have a great Christmas and a prosperous new year. I'm hoping to rejoin the ranks of beat owners next this space!
Paul W
20-12-2012, 01:53 PM
Server Upgrade - I have requested the server upgrade so the site may be down for 24hrs in the next 72hrs or so. Hopefully after that you wont notice any difference.
The IP address will be changing, so DNS records will also have to update.
Expect the site to behave like the British weather over the next few days!
Paul W
02-01-2013, 01:09 PM
All done!
I just need to sort the spam registrations now! Still doing almost 20Gb in spam visits!
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