View Full Version : have service parts gone up that much?

16-02-2012, 09:41 PM
someone is having a laugh....
£74 for this....

bought from Honda dealer this year...£30.47 + dreaded

£94 for this.....

ok so it was Oct '07 but local dealer £29.25 + dreaded, surely not up by that much even now?

£74 for this....

again same date as above..£20.70 +dreaded

never assume flea-bay is cheaper

18-02-2012, 12:42 AM
Air filter from Honda dealer at last service £22.99 ex vat. Jan 30 2012.

18-02-2012, 08:08 AM
Yep, I noticed some outrageous prices from anpther EBay seller in Japan last week also. I guess someone thinks they can make a killing selling parts to the English-speaking audience (who might overlook their Honda dealer...)

But we all better prepare ourselves for the time when the Beat is a true vintage classic and this stuff gets really scarce, and the Honda parts guys look at you funny when you want something for a... a what???.