View Full Version : Increase in top speed
30-05-2011, 11:56 AM
I love my beat but i always seem to have trouble in passing the guy who drives along the motorway at exactly 70. I just start to pass and the ecu limits me at about 7,500 revs.
I can go way above this in other gears so it strikes me that there must be a switch somewhere telling the ecu i'm in fifth. If I disable this I will get the little extra bit of go I need.
Does anyone have any ideas/info on this?
30-05-2011, 12:41 PM
sure my standard ECU is 9k in 1st-4th & 8.5k in 5th which hits the limiter at 86mph/140kph
the ECU i have in now is unlimited in any gear but not yet tried out fully in 5th, maybe at Donnington down Craner curves in July :eek:
pretty sure there have been threads about the 7.5k limit in the past?
30-05-2011, 12:45 PM
not too sure about a definitive answer here but worth a read
30-05-2011, 12:46 PM
With a standard ecu and a speedo converter mine will rev to the limiter (9.5k ish) in top
30-05-2011, 01:30 PM
Just thought about this a bit more: My old Beat didn't have this limit in top either. On both I used an electronic speedo converter - on my 1st one just to remove the speed cut (wired it into the VSS feed on the ecu) on this one I'm using it to convert the speedo from kph to mph as well.
In both cases the ecu is getting a lower than actual speed to it's VSS feed - it could be the answer???
30-05-2011, 02:35 PM
I had a look at the speedo when I rebuilt my Beat in hope that the limiter was like the one on MR2's which have a set of contacts on the imports that open as the limit is reached with the needle, but alas not there! so in my eyes it has to be a wire from the speedo back to the ecu transmitting a cut of signal when it hits 85 mph, but which one?
30-05-2011, 03:47 PM
The ecu is fed by the same feed as the speedo and just counts the pulses to figure out the speed, so fitting a converter just cons the ecu into thinking the car is going slower than it actually is.
The feed runs from the speed sensor up to the speedo (thick yellow/red wire) then back to the ecu (thin yellow/red wire)
30-05-2011, 05:02 PM
The ecu is fed by the same feed as the speedo and just counts the pulses to figure out the speed, so fitting a converter just cons the ecu into thinking the car is going slower than it actually is.
The feed runs from the speed sensor up to the speedo (thick yellow/red wire) then back to the ecu (thin yellow/red wire)
So by that thought, snipping the thin yellow/red wire should take the limiter off? Unless it interupts an earth track (usual with ecu's) to limit it, in which case earthing (grounding) it would be the answer!
I can't see it being that easy, there again it was that easy to take it off mr2's!
30-05-2011, 05:24 PM
If you just cut the wire the check engine light comes on and the car doesn't run properly - it needs some sort of feed.
One of these willl do the trick , you can pick up the power and earth for it from the feeds to the ecu.
31-05-2011, 01:53 AM
..........And your next thread will be.........
...............Blown my engine, can someone help!...........
31-05-2011, 07:35 AM
If you just cut the wire the check engine light comes on and the car doesn't run properly - it needs some sort of feed.
One of these willl do the trick , you can pick up the power and earth for it from the feeds to the ecu.
just thinking really, Not for me though, the wipers on mine lift at 75 mph and due to it's size and wieght I think the 85 mph limiter is a good idea, just thinking on theories to increase the top end speed for folk, not like someone here who seems to think it is also going to increase the top end rpm and blow the engine!
31-05-2011, 09:16 AM
Please explain how you intend to go faster then and not increase engine rpm?
31-05-2011, 04:17 PM
The 7000rpm problem was in all gears, not just 5th.
and No we never found a solution to it.
Im not sure where the effected cars are now, if they still have the problem.
As for speed limiter, it kicks in at 140kph. which I think you can probably only reach in 5th gear anyway. (4th you will hit the normal rev limit (9000rpm))
Using a speedo convertor and wiring it in before the speedo/ecu will most likely lift the limit (poss to 140mph, if you could get there) so you will then hit normal rev limit (9000rpm) in 5th if the conditions are right.
Mind you, any thing past 140kph things do start to get a bit lively with the Beat not weight a lot.
01-06-2011, 08:28 PM
A little off track, but..
For a few years after the engine swap, etc., I am consantly asked 'what is the top speed?'. I was never concerned until last Easter during a lazy drive down the coast. During the rapid acceleration from 70, sped past a struggling Mustang and Charger. Finally, for the record, top of 142mph (@10.9k) with passenger. Surprizingly stable probably due to the 15" tires and canards. I quickly slowed but not fast enough as soon there were lights in the mirror. After discussion of the holiday and the earthquake 30 minutes earlier, I got a ticket for 70 in a 65.
02-06-2011, 02:53 AM
As they say, there's no substitute for cubic centimeters. But I'm trying to picture any stretch of the coast hwy where you could go that fast. Wow.
06-06-2011, 03:33 PM
Please explain how you intend to go faster then and not increase engine rpm?
Oh dear, the engine seems to be limited to 9500, top revs in top gear are 7400, increasing the top speed will increase the revs but no more than what is available in the previous 4 gears hence we are not talking about increasing the revs!
06-06-2011, 03:51 PM
I'm certain someone can probably work out what the road speed would be, IF you could get it to rev to 9500rpm in 5th.
But I expect it may struggle to get there, or would need a hell of a long straight. If not a down hill stretch.
I remember round castle combe circuit, it was only on the start finish straight I would hit the 140 kmh limiter.
Any way each to their own as they say and I'm not sure if this was really the original posters idea/problem.
brucebp, how about a supercharger for your beat? 110hp.:) you could accelerate to 140km/hr (speed limiter) instantly to pass!
11-06-2011, 03:23 AM
brucebp, how about a supercharger for your beat? 110hp.:) you could accelerate to 140km/hr (speed limiter) instantly to pass!
SWEET! I bet quite a few owners would buy those if made commercially available.
11-06-2011, 12:35 PM
Doing a turbo conversion would actually be that hard on these it was always something Jen looked into before she went with the other option
12-06-2011, 08:23 AM
Doing a turbo conversion would actually be that hard on these it was always something Jen looked into before she went with the other option
What option was that?
It's certainly true that there are loads of parts available from the many turbo Kei cars. Anyone ever jammed them into a Beat?
12-06-2011, 06:20 PM
There are quite a few people in japan that have turbo'd the beat.
I found some on the minkara site. Just run them through google translate.
I was considering a turbo as well, but the hard part was finding an ecu control unit. Most people in japan used MoTeC. Then again, most people in japan had blown up their engines...
13-06-2011, 01:24 AM
There are quite a few people in japan that have turbo'd the beat.
I found some on the minkara site. Just run them through google translate.
I was considering a turbo as well, but the hard part was finding an ecu control unit. Most people in japan used MoTeC. Then again, most people in japan had blown up their engines...
Hmmm. interesting. I have the time but not the skills. I need a better translator too.....
"The kangaroo bar of [karutei;na] is cut off to the turbine from the back of the octopus foot, and the drum is 60 pie muffler for [mirata-bo]. "
13-06-2011, 02:56 PM
I'm using an Adaptronic e320c in the AZ-1. It's replacement the Adaptronic 440 ( would work well to set up and run a turbo on a Beat
17-06-2011, 06:50 PM
brucebp, how about a supercharger for your beat? 110hp.:) you could accelerate to 140km/hr (speed limiter) instantly to pass!
You got me thinking, the Cappo has a suitably small turbo doesn't it?
But.... I'd still be up against that bloody limiter.
17-06-2011, 09:26 PM
thing with doing a turbo conversion is you will need to get some sort of uprated clutch that will cope with the extra torque you would kill a standard clutch within a few hours.
I think doing a turbo conversion on a beat would be pretty easy and could be done for a good price aswell it is just a case of how much you want to actually spend doing it? Bike engine conversion would be good but again price of doing that is huge even doing it yourself I mean Jen has probably spent in the region of 6-8k? at a guess so far and she ain't even near finished yet.
I think with the beat a top speed of about 90/100 is enough but if you generally don't go above 80/85 and want a bit more ooommpphh to overtake stuff then turbo conversion is something to think on. Small turbo like a ihi rhb51 vq10 or vq12 off a charade gtti would work quite nicely
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