View Full Version : Advice needed for engine re-build.

Dirk Schooner
06-11-2010, 10:16 AM
Hi, I have given up on the guy i bought the car off fixing the engine he has been promissing to do for 18 months now. So, I need to put together a list of parts I need, and try and get someone local to do the work.

It's smoking bad, and really not firing on all 3, driver's side pot is especially bad. What I think I need to do is get O/S pistons and rings and have the barrels bored out to fit. Apparently the valves and seals were rplaced when the engine was perviously re-built, though I only have the guy's word on this. I assume I'll need a head gasket. Also given that it's been buring so much oil, what other parts will need replacing? The exhaust will have to be replaced, but I will get one of thos SS ones made up, I reallly need to know what engine parts I will need.

Assuming the current block is standard size rings and pistons, what over-size would I need to get?

Is this worth doing, or would I be better off trying to replace the engine? Do any UK Honda garages actually know this car? My 2 local dealers have never seen one.

06-11-2010, 02:17 PM
I think you will find that oversized pistons and rings are no longer available either via UK dealers or Japan.

I found that replacing rings with just standard new ones and giving the bores a hone to bust the glaze normally sorted the smoking.

I would be chasing the guy you bought it from if I was you, your not going to get much change from £500 - £600 to do this work, If you can find some one that will do it.

Most UK dealers will have never seen or heard of a Beat, just a few that have looked after some cars if they were local. They can order parts and get part numbers using the VIN number, But prob wont have any workshop Manual information.

Most Beat parts now will have to come from Japan if ordered at a UK dealer (Alot used to be in stock in belguim, but not now) so dont be surprised if there is a long wait for them.

Dirk Schooner
03-04-2011, 04:25 PM
Thought as much, was more of a desperate rant than anything.

Beardo gone to ground...

Anyway, just had offer accepted on another one. (Emporer).

Will have to work out what to do with this red one, maybe parts, maybe try and sell as whole, or maybe try and keep, just in case.....

17-04-2011, 08:35 PM
You seemed to have missed the part where I offered to fix the car if you paid for the parts. Ordered the parts from Japan which have been in my cupboard for over a year that I've paid for. I've messaged you and emailed you twice now with no replies. You have my email and my phone number. Up to you now.