View Full Version : ECU : Need this sorted

20-09-2010, 03:08 PM
As you may be aware my Beat is not running too good , the main suspect is the ecu , i followed this link and had the capacitors changed etc .
http://members.multimania.co.uk/ozsamurai/DIY/CondenserReplace.htm .

the problem remains the same , i have tried to locate Irish Beat owners to try swap parts over , but have been unsuccessful in making contact ,sooooooooo
would anyone have a spare ECU i could try , but first i would send mine to you to see if it works properly in your Beat , if it is ok then ill know its not ecu related , but if its broke i would still need to test another ecu as it could have been fine before the capacitors etc ware changed , if that makes sense , i obviously would cover all costs , and would lodge the value of your ecu into a paypal account or similar until the safe return of your ecu .

21-09-2010, 07:45 PM
OK , 24 views and no offers , which i agree is understandable , so apart from breaking the car which i really dont want to do , what do you folks think are my options ?
I really cant afford to buy a new ecu and or dizzy , especially as im not sure that i actually need either :awwww:.


21-09-2010, 10:19 PM
hi brian
cant help with the ecu im afraid, but i've got a decent dizzy you could borrow - it was working without any probs in our car when it was replaced a couple of months ago. If it helps eliminate a problem you're more than welcome to borrow it.
drop me a pm if you're interested :)