View Full Version : New Beat Owner from NZ

19-09-2010, 12:59 PM
Hi All,

I've just taken ownership of a Beat, My old boss in the UK used to drive one so I knew what to expect. When I saw one in good condition for sale I decided I'd kick myself if I didn't take a good look, so jumped on a plane down to the South Island and the rest is history.

Upon buying it my first trip was an 800 KM drive back to the top of the South Island to catch the ferry back to Wellington in the North Island.

Great drive and great roads, well one of them did not look so great 3 days later as there was a little earthquake!

The two days later a big slip closed the main highway for a week (none quake related!)

Seems the little Beat leaves destruction in its wake!

I'll get some photos up soon, plus update what I do it.

Until then the are a couple of pictures from the trip back on my facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wellington-New-Zealand/Obsessive-Vehicle-Security/138444236170328#!/album.php?aid=32621&id=138444236170328&ref=mf).

Great forum here, it has come in really handy so far so hope I can add to it.


21-09-2010, 10:40 PM
I too have a yellow beat and live in Christchurch so any information on servicing etc. would be welcome. I was in Wellington on the weekend and passed a yellow beat driving from Eastbourne towards the Hutt. Was that you?
David Stove

22-09-2010, 12:21 PM
Hi David,

Yes that was me, I took the girlfriend out for lunch there. I think there is a red one in the Hutt somewhere too.

My beat is not the original yellow however, it got re-sprayed by the previous owner to a BMW yellow.

How long have you had yours for? I'll let you know about any servicing stuff as and when, plus if I do need to import any parts will let you know in case you need any thing. I'll be looking to get the CAM Belt done soon as it's not been changed yet, but it's still below 47,000KM.

So far I've changed the stereo (will post photos soon) and am in the process of fitting central locking, boot pop and lamp! as well as an alarm system. I do vehicle security for a living so if anyone has any questions please fire away.


24-09-2010, 07:53 PM
welcome to the board obsessive! sounds like a nice car you have - would love to see pics of all that you've done to it.
central locking was fun with ours - the bloke who did it for us spent quite a while trying to work out the simplest way of doing it.

24-09-2010, 10:16 PM
I had central locking fitted to mine, only problem is the doors are locked whenever the motor is running but I guess I* could over come that if I worked on it. I am interested in the stereo you fitted. My Gathers unit did not work so I imported another from the UK but that does not work either! I was lead to believe that a "normal" stereo unit would not fit because the hole was too small. What did you find.

25-09-2010, 08:57 AM
Hi Guys,

I've posted some photo's of the Beat head unit on the business Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=32621&id=138444236170328&saved#!/album.php?aid=32621&id=138444236170328), that way you can view them without signing up as a friend, plus the company technically owns the car!

Flick past the car photos 1st

I guess I should post them in the Audio section, so will do a post there once it's all back in the car.

25-09-2010, 09:00 AM
Hi David,

Do you know what make your central locking system is? Most have a program option to turn Ignition door lock off. Let me know and I'll see what I can do. If you don't know then send me a photo of the remote and I'll see if I can identify it.


25-09-2010, 09:01 AM
that looks very neat - nicely done! :)

25-09-2010, 09:03 AM
that looks very neat - nicely done! :)

Thanks, I spent enough time scratching me head and reading up to see if I could hack the original to give it an AUX input!

26-09-2010, 12:03 AM
The Security system is Prestige. I am interested in the Radio. Does your company install, provide them? I would be interested in a similar system for my Beat but as I will be overseas for six weeks from Monday it will have to wait til I come back but it looks like a very neat installation. Importing the one from the UK cost a lot and didn't work
David (david@artisanlace.co.nz)

26-09-2010, 10:11 AM
Hi David,

I normally just stick to security, but as you're a Beat owner and seeing that I've already cracked this one, plus have access to all the kit required then I'm happy to help you.

I also have some installation manuals for prestige alarms (made by Audiovox) that hopefully cover your model and include programming instructions on how to turn the ignition door lock feature off.

I'll send the info along with pricing to your email address.


P.S. I got the unit back in the car today so will take some photos and post them in the morning.

27-09-2010, 10:56 AM
Thanks, I spent enough time scratching me head and reading up to see if I could hack the original to give it an AUX input!

Did you ever work out how to wire in an AUX input? Anyone? I am not very happy with my FM Modulator setup, although it does work.

Also, I am not, never been, and never will be, a Facebook member, so it would be great if you could post a link to the head photos that I can use.


Steve (now in Zimbabwe for a bit)

27-09-2010, 12:33 PM
Also, I am not, never been, and never will be, a Facebook member, so it would be great if you could post a link to the head photos that I can use.

I can respect that! The only reason I signed up was because I decided it would be a better way to connect with my customers than the Yellow pages!

I do intend to get the photo's up on my main website sometime soon, but until then you're welcome send me your details and I'll email the pictures to you.


P.S. I found no way to get an Aux input, hence this solution

29-09-2010, 10:44 AM
OK I decided it should post the photos in the Audio section (http://www.u-ukhbc.co.uk/vbb/showthread.php?p=18896#post18896)

14-10-2010, 04:12 AM
Sweet, left a comment if your ever up this way I can show you some amazing drives.
Here's a pic of my Beat just my weekend toy!

15-10-2010, 11:47 AM
Very tidy Beat, with a nice clear rear screen, need to do something about mine at some stage!

I'll certainly let you know if I head up your way, I've never ventured off SH1 around those parts.

30-05-2013, 01:34 PM

I was doing a bit of a search for alarm systems for the Beat - I read your reply, what is the best type of alarm to use , pressure or motion?? or have you got a really clever solution ??

Many thanks,


30-05-2013, 09:18 PM

I was doing a bit of a search for alarm systems for the Beat - I read your reply, what is the best type of alarm to use , pressure or motion?? or have you got a really clever solution ??

Many thanks,


Hi Crawford,

I've sent you an email about alarms.


30-05-2013, 11:28 PM
Very tidy Beat, with a nice clear rear screen, need to do something about mine at some stage!

The glass rear window option works really well although it does have a couple of downsides - you lose the bottom 4" of the window and you have to un-zip before putting the roof down

Ending Credits
31-05-2013, 11:56 AM
Technically you should unzip the rear window anyway. :D

31-05-2013, 03:00 PM
Technically, maybe but not worth the contortions if you don't have 2 elbow joints in one arm. A rolled up bath towel keeps the plastic from creasing.

01-06-2013, 07:03 AM
Never bothered removing the rear window on mine............ I use a section of (very light) pipe insulation which allows the plastic to fold around it and never squash flat leaving a crease. I leave it on the shelf when the roof is up then move it to the outside of the window and trap it when I lower the roof. Takes a couple of seconds only.

Ending Credits
01-06-2013, 04:00 PM
Personally I use a 2l water bottle, has the other advantage that I will always have some water in my car if I get thirsty.