View Full Version : New owner from UK Birmingham

15-09-2010, 10:42 PM
Hi all,
after 19 years, finially i got my PP1.
love it when it first come out. always want one but cant justfy the price.
found one 2 weeks ago and the price are cheap enough for me to dig the money out.
the car was in Japan, waitting for shipping. hope i can get it on Nov, than it will be my Bday gift.

16-09-2010, 09:12 AM
Welcome and congratulations on your new Beat , make sure
to post up some photos when it arrieves .


16-09-2010, 10:04 AM
welcome aboard ben!
congrats on your purchase, hope the wait doesnt seem like forever. theres several beat owners down your way and the Kei Kars meet is close by next week at Kingsbury Water Park if you fancy coming along to meet a few of us :)

16-09-2010, 05:59 PM
Definitely pop along to the KKITP meet, even without your beat yet you will be more than welcome. Will give us a chance to show you some simple maintenance things too if you've got any questions!

It's Kingsbury water park on the 26th September. That's junction 9 of the M42 near Tamworth. £3 at the barrier but the event it self is free.

30-09-2010, 08:33 PM
sorry guys late reply.
far too busy in the collage and garage.
and i miss the meet. :awwww:
hope will see you guy on next time.

quick up date
confirm shipping on Oct 17 and eta is 10 Dec 2010.

08-10-2010, 10:33 PM
some photo up-dated


09-10-2010, 01:41 AM
:)not too shabby, love the exhaust B.

09-10-2010, 10:27 AM
that looks very very tidy! bet the suspense is killing - when we brought over our teg the wait seemed forever.
has it been lowered a bit? the paint looks very good!

12-10-2010, 10:32 AM
Loving the seats! Looks good!

12-10-2010, 05:52 PM
Congrat to this beautyfull Beat.
I`ve been imported a Kei car in spring this year, too.
So i can explain how long 6 weeks are. Do You track Your ship daily?:)

14-10-2010, 06:10 PM
thanks guys.

the bodywork looks perfect yes.
i dont know have it been lowered or not, the guys said its box standard, but clearly see the exhaust is not and the seat is not.

the seat will be going, cause iam putting a set of red recaros.
going to buy a set of body kit for it, and repaint it into EK9 (nh-0) color, too make it type R look-a-like.
but will double check the paint work before go ahead.

i did not check the ship daily, have import far too many cars so i just wait.
the longest i wait for a car ship from Japan is 3 months.
i think this will be the same.:awwww:

14-10-2010, 11:33 PM
The beat is such an individual car, why try and make it
something it's not ? :eek:
Think you'll struggle with the recaro's, bit to wide.

15-10-2010, 08:32 AM
i dont think iam trying to make it another car mate.
did you not see recaros in a beat before?
they will fit very nicely.

15-10-2010, 11:07 AM
sounds interesting - any ideas about which body stuff you like?
everyone has their own opinions on how beats should be - mylee likes his beats very original! :D
the beat is one of them cars you either get or you dont. theres no point trying to make it into a fast car, as its never going to be one without serious surgery, but you can certainly do stuff that makes them even more of a hoot to drive.

which recaros are you thinking? theres only a couple that will fit both drivers and passenger sides.
have you checked out the beat pages on minkara? lots of ideas on there...

17-10-2010, 06:57 PM
yes i know. i told my mate i bought a Beat, he goes "are you mad!"
but i like it, like it small and looks very q, luckly the miss think the same :)
looking on yahoo the other week, found the body kit looks good, not a big name anyway, cheap tho, only 300 for full kit.
i got Recaro sr4 ( off ek9 ) ready here, so will going pu them in.
if the parts sold well, than may well be buying a pair of Bride. :)
finger cross.

17-10-2010, 11:10 PM
Honda Championship White you know you wanna do it!! ;)

22-10-2010, 08:43 PM
yeah it looks good NH-0 :p

10-12-2010, 10:01 PM
right guys,
finially pick up my pp1 today. its so much fun to drive !!
drove it back from Bristol to Birmingham near 100 miles only use around £8 of fuel, soo good. it all the way goes up to 140km+ iam well happy now.
i have a question, how do i open the engine cover? do i need to removed the top to do it ??

but one thing the engine sound funny to me. maybe they all like that, its sound like a truck more like a car, also how come it dont have central locking ??

11-12-2010, 10:28 AM
Looks tidy, don't know about it sounding like a truck, mine certainly does not! Mind you I'm still on the original exhaust.

Unzip rear screen to get better access to engine cover, personally I've found removing the whole rear screen gives great access, you'll need to undo some screws along the side.

Central locking does not come as standard, I've installed my own which is driven by the alarm. Let me know if you need any info on this.

11-12-2010, 10:39 AM
O i am not too sure in the exhaust, maybe it was a aftermarket one. O will put it on the ramp when have time to have a good look.
Just found out last night the car have full coilover, man made leather trim in side.
I think I will need the central lock, cause the mrs love it.
Thanks dude, I'd have time you need to have a good look on my car and tells me what's what.

11-12-2010, 04:48 PM
congrats emperor!
the car looks really nice. great news about the coilovers too - i thought it looked nice and low in your original pics.
if you're worried about the engine noise take a quick video/recording on your phone or something and post it up. the beat does have a different engine note to most things!
obsessive is correct about the hood too - you can just unzip and lay the screen back on a towel on the boot if you're feeling lazier ;)

11-12-2010, 06:45 PM
What a luck to have one more Beatie in good old Europe! The engine sound is one of a kind. unbeliveble at 9000revs:eek:

11-12-2010, 09:48 PM
I think I will need the central lock, cause the mrs love it.
Thanks dude, I'd have time you need to have a good look on my car and tells me what's what.

Alright I'll take pop the door card off and take a photo later, I've been meaning to do this for awhile as there is an annoying rattle going on somewhere!

11-12-2010, 10:02 PM
thanks guys.
i know how to do the alarm and door lock actuator and stuff. but will be great you can show me the photo, than i dont have to think . :p

that video sound good, mine dont have this sound unti rev the engine to around 5k plus, under than is just sound like a truck. ta ta ta ta.....

the speedo clock playing up today, the road speed meter is all over the place.
stoping is ok, but sometime it jumps up to over 140, and drop to 30 and than.... is this the speed sensor in the gearbox?? or some other stuff?
also the spare wheel tray was rusted and damaged, it shake all the time when drive, giving me a very good tap tap tap....

got no time to play with the cd yet, if the systme gone, i have another mp3 player goes on.

i wish i have time to take some video or photo, so many dam car stuck in the workshop now, all customer said wants the car done by Tuesday bla bla bla. but i still got an hours away from the workshop to get the car mot'ed. its good fly off, check all bushes and stuff, braking force is larger than the car !! also the car weight only 680kn no driver and 1/4 of fuel.

do you guys remember i want to get rid of the seat and fit recaro? i dont think i will now, because i found the driving position is very very good in this seat, and its was a bucket seat already. but i found that the passenger seat is not adjustable ! there something for the Mrs to mo about.


12-12-2010, 08:47 AM
Here's a photo of the door motor. You only need a 2 wire one, however I've used a 5 wire in the drivers door but not the conventional way. I've wired it up so that the interior light feed gets cut when the door is locked. This way I can never leave it on by mistake.

I also fixed the rattle, it was the glass. There are two bolts at the top of the inner door that adjust the brushes that keep the glass squeezed. Only needed a small adjustment (Moving too much would prevent the window from running up and down with ease). Rattle free door ;)

Next mission is to find the squeak sound behind the dash :eek:

12-12-2010, 10:34 AM
Next mission is to find the squeak sound behind the dash :eek:

lol - that sounds familiar. we had one that was behind the stereo somewhere that squeaked like crazy at idle - it drove me nuts til i ripped the whole dash out to re-trim it. im still not 100% what it was - probably just a cable rubbing against the big metal support inside.

12-12-2010, 08:55 PM
this gives me so much motivation to get another

12-12-2010, 09:13 PM
do it than, you know you want it.
tell you what, found one this morning in Japan site for only GBP1000 :p

12-12-2010, 11:25 PM
lol and how much is that going to cost to get over here tested etc? either way when I come to getting one if a uk one is not available then I may be calling on your assistance in helping out if you can

13-12-2010, 10:12 PM
not too sure maybe 1800 on the road mate.

anyone knows how to fix the jumping speedo meter?
today when it jumps over 140kph, there was a speed limite cut.
its happen when i was in 2nd gear on 4k rev !! not nice.

14-12-2010, 09:40 AM
anyone knows how to fix the jumping speedo meter?
today when it jumps over 140kph, there was a speed limite cut.
its happen when i was in 2nd gear on 4k rev !! not nice.

Check for water/corrosion in the connector on the gearbox speed sensor.

If you got speed limiter cutting then the problem must be a source rather than just the speedo. e.g. the ECU is getting the same signal as the speedo is displaying (140kph)

14-12-2010, 03:26 PM
This is what you are looking for on the gearbox, On top of the diff.

24-12-2010, 06:53 PM
Thanks Steve, i have look at the plug for the speedo sensor. it is locate at the back of the gearbox right? you can see / un-plug it from the boot.
the connector looks ok to me, no green stuff and any thing.
so i put it back. but this morning when i back to the garage, i start the car for very long to let the engine run a bit. i found the speedo jumping again (the car not drive or anythings, just sit there ideling)
i think my sensor gone yeah?

24-12-2010, 06:54 PM
also went to DVLA register the little thing today. i asked the guy is there any cheaper road tax. he look at the form and give me a "o" when he found the engine size only 660cc :D
he said it can be done, but need Mr. HONDA print out a porper emission report to show it is a low emission vehicle. anyone thinking doing it? :eek:
to be honest i paid £180 today, this include 12 months tax which is around 128. i think it is really cheap already compair to my other toy.

24-12-2010, 06:55 PM
anyway, got some time to look at the car this few days, i know i should not do it, i got so many job lay back, but f*ck all, dont care :D

first things to do, is to remove the spare tyre tray. its give me some " ti ti ti, ta ta ta, pa pa pa pa" noise when i drive the car.
it is because it got damaged and rust and shaking a bit.
i know its parts of the cooling system work as a cooling panel, but i still want to remove it and try out, i can deal with that noise. other thing is my car hardly to get up temperature. we will see how it goes.:confused:

2nd thing is trail fit my wheels. got it free from a mate use to fit them on a VW polo hellaflush spec. shame they are all 13", the rear is too small and catchng the rear toe arms, not too good. but it looks very nice.
now i think i will go for some crazy offset and get wide arch to make them fit.again will see how it goes.:suicide:
ok enough talking, photo time.

24-12-2010, 06:57 PM
dont know what happen. it dont let me to put photo and i have to split the post to post it up !!

its in the snow

everythings there

see the damaged, cracks....?

the car quite clean !! now 5kg saved.... :)

only found this dent / line along the side !! not too happy

standard wheels VS free wheels

its a bit over the top !!

25-12-2010, 02:41 AM
Maybe the engine plate would be enough to prove your low emissions to the authorities? Also, I fixed a similar speedo problem on a Pontiac Sunfire the other day by removing the + and - battery cables from the battery, and touched them together for a few seconds to drain any capacitors. Maybe worth a try?

25-12-2010, 01:02 PM
also went to DVLA register the little thing today. i asked the guy is there any cheaper road tax. he look at the form and give me a "o" when he found the engine size only 660cc :D
he said it can be done, but need Mr. HONDA print out a porper emission report to show it is a low emission vehicle. anyone thinking doing it? :eek:
to be honest i paid £180 today, this include 12 months tax which is around 128. i think it is really cheap already compair to my other toy.

Now this makes things even better :D but tbh roadtax at £120 is cheap but I may give this a go in a few months time

dont know what happen. it dont let me to put photo and i have to split the post to post it up !!

looks decent that always loved yellow ones

Maybe the engine plate would be enough to prove your low emissions to the authorities? Also, I fixed a similar speedo problem on a Pontiac Sunfire the other day by removing the + and - battery cables from the battery, and touched them together for a few seconds to drain any capacitors. Maybe worth a try?

now ^^ according to that emissons 100ppm means the beat just falls into the no tax category

25-12-2010, 02:37 PM
Big B - so you are saying the jumping speedo is the problem of the ECU and may be not the speed sensor?

i will try the engine plate thing, but the guy said need a porper report :confused: i dont think it will become no tax at all, paying motorcycle tax is more than happy. what its like when 19 years ago when its first come to UK?

25-12-2010, 03:09 PM
yeah I guess so yours a 1991/2 model ain't it?

dvla is a bit weird when they reg stuff most of the time they will give you a year specific plate some others will give you a registration year specific plate. I think best net is ask the guy exactly what he needs to see if its just a case of something by Honda to say this car is putting out this x amount of emissons I'm sure something can be sorted

25-12-2010, 05:21 PM
think it is 90/ 91.
yeah he want to see a full report by UK honda saying this car/ engine giving out this X amount of emission.
than they can put it to a specific tax calssifaction.

25-12-2010, 05:55 PM
If thats the case I don't think Honda UK will either be helpful in getting the info then again as I said previously £120 ish a year ain't to bad plus £25-30 for a full tank of petrol smiles all round.

Oh question for you were do you look at beats for sale? I've got a few I'll pm you later to see what you think but as said I'll need all the help I can get importing one over and ones I've seen look alright

25-12-2010, 06:38 PM
its only cost £22 full tank. :)

i look every where really for car for sale in japan.
also my friend will sent me some info when there have customer car for sale in japan.

just found one pp1 race car in japan for £3200 fob

another 91 yellow pp1 120k km for £1200 fob

28-12-2010, 09:44 PM
yes i think de-cat will be running a bit lean.
but most of the manufacture will pre-set it to bit rich right.i dont know just a though anyway. always have my motor de-cat anyway.
actually the beat will be going to rolling road to check the AFR when i and my friend have time. i think will put a safc to try to get the magic 14.1

again i have some time to play with the car today. took it to the local car wash, yes i know i should do it myself but its too cold for me.

funny things is the speedo did not jump around today although i only drove it 20 mins, i think it fixed itself.

other thing is I dont know how to porper open the soft top !!! look at the photo, how come it look like this? how should i do it ??

also removed the cd changer. and spend 1/2 to found out how to change air filter !!!! http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z200/yuki-ben/006-18.jpgthe filter is ery dirty, but not the in-let ..
o i also looking to buy this body kit, i think it looks good.

28-12-2010, 10:02 PM
None of your Photobuckets are working

Sorry hate the body Kit, belongs on a Mk3 escort.

28-12-2010, 10:06 PM
now fixed. i put the url by mistake.

right... mk3 escort:awwww:

28-12-2010, 10:27 PM
ben if your after a kit for the car have a look at touge distribution choice of kit better on there

looks like your getting stuck in now :D

28-12-2010, 10:38 PM
Dont think I need other trader to import for me, as I have a container come to uk every 2 month so I can sort that out easy.

29-12-2010, 12:54 AM
None of your Photobuckets are working

Sorry hate the body Kit, belongs on a Mk3 escort.

Emperor - I have to agree with Mylee, and those side skirts won't stay straight for very long either.

As for your top, mine is the same and I can't work out how to keep the corners from sticking out.

But what's with that fuel filler cap? Very sharp. I want one like that!!!

29-12-2010, 01:02 AM
Why make you say the side step will not straight for long?
Regarding the fuel caps, look on yahoo there's a lot dude.

29-12-2010, 08:42 AM
But what's with that fuel filler cap? Very sharp. I want one like that!!!

That's the genuine accessory fuel flap, they used to change hands for mega money, very sort after. You will prob find some on yahoo auctions.

30-12-2010, 01:43 PM
Where do you guys buy services kit?? Oil and air filter ??

30-12-2010, 02:01 PM
Your local Honda dealer can supply you service parts. Go armed with your chassis number PP1-****** and they can look up any parts need on EPC system.

30-12-2010, 02:43 PM
Doyou know how much they charge for filters?

31-12-2010, 05:47 PM
Oil Filter 15400-RTA-004 @ £9.00 + VAT.

Air Filter 17220-P36-010 @ £22.49 + VAT


31-12-2010, 08:54 PM
them no cheap !!

slowly slowly my beat is ready. still waiting for the reg number to come. but the car is ready now. have a polish polish . :)
i think its a little bit too shiny now.:help:

08-01-2011, 11:33 PM
right guys.
finially got the beat on the road with 12 months ticket now. first day drive it on the road. 1/2 an hour engine light comes on !!! car drive same still rev no mis fire or any things. turn engine off, restart it all good, drive it for a bit, light comes on again ar........ what the hell is going on on my car !!
all i can thing of is 1. the speedo sensor ( but how it give light on) 2. 02 sensor.

any of you guys have same problem in the pass ??

09-01-2011, 12:20 AM
right guys.
finially got the beat on the road with 12 months ticket now. first day drive it on the road. 1/2 an hour engine light comes on !!! car drive same still rev no mis fire or any things. turn engine off, restart it all good, drive it for a bit, light comes on again ar........ what the hell is going on on my car !!
all i can thing of is 1. the speedo sensor ( but how it give light on) 2. 02 sensor.

any of you guys have same problem in the pass ??

It could be any number of things that don't affect the running, like the O2 temp sensor, which only affects mixture during warmup. You know how to get the error code, don't you?

09-01-2011, 08:16 AM

This thread details how to read engine trouble codes, once you know what code you are getting then you can troubleshoot the circuit and find where the fault lies.

09-01-2011, 11:41 AM
thanks Steve,
will do it tomorrow. need to engoy the dayoff with the Mrs today. :p