View Full Version : Pair of (or single) red mirrors wanted
Dirk Schooner
09-08-2010, 06:54 PM
I am still looking for a pair of red mirrors if anybody has them, if not pair driver's side is more urgent. I am in UK.
09-08-2010, 09:57 PM
Dirk,why not surching here:
If You have found Your parts (or much more) ask Jesse Streeter for anything else.
Works fantastic!
10-08-2010, 07:24 AM
As Guido sez, look in yahoo. There are currently yellow, silver, and white on auction, but it's just a matter of time until red ones come up. You can paste this ("Honda Beat door mirror") into the search box to save time:
ホンダ ビート ドアミラー
i think it'd be a good idea to do a 'how to' thread on the whole japhoo thing maybe? its something ive thought of doing for ages but havent had the time :p
10-08-2010, 09:31 PM
Mike, i understend, but how should this work? To learn aprox. 2500 Letters? Better not. Difficult to explain how it works on yahoo but there is no big diffrence to ebuy, just try, you can spend so much money there:suicide:
11-08-2010, 07:04 AM
Tado, it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it (but what isn't??), and use a good translator (I recommend, and recruit a helper. Guido suggests Jesse Streeter; I bribe my Japanese wife to bid by cooking dinner.
Once you get to the Yahoo Honda Beat auction pages, you can just browse through and click on any picture that interests you. Then the tricky bit - finding the actual description (a lot of what appears in Japanese is about bidding procedures, shipping, and disclaimers), and then deciphering the machine translation. Just try pasting different parts of the auction into the translator. (If you're using a helper you probably want to bid only on auctions that have several days to run - the symbol for day is 日, but if there are only hours left you'll see something like this: 9時間)
Regarding the translation, sometimes it is plain and clear what is being sold, but if the seller has used a lot of colloquial language or "car-talk", the translator will have you either scratching your head or laughing your butt off.
My wife has a Yahoo account so I just tell her how much I want to bid. Bidding is almost the same as EBay - the bidder is notified of successful high bid, getting outbid, etc. I don't know anything about Jesse Streeter but I gather he will bid for you and arrange shipping, for a commission. I'd say that there is lots less cutthroat last-second bidding than on EBay.
In general, the Beat stuff on auction is good and the sellers are reliable. It's a close community of Beat owners here in Japan so ripoffs are unusual, especially by car and parts dealers of whom there are many. Since I got my car (on the auction!) in March this year I've made about 10 deals on Japhoo. I was only unhappy with one (a Gathers stereo) and the seller quickly refunded my money although I paid shipping both ways. Many auctions have a "buy-it-now" price shown first. If something looks very cheap, it might be described as "junk" (translated), and no claims made for it. The other extreme is a new part, and in the middle are bits that are described as being removed from a running car.
Arranging for cheap international shipping can be challenging because most sellers are used to domestic sales only, but that must be how Jesse earns his cut. That said, international EMS is quite reasonable considering it is fast, insured and trackable, and you can send fairly large items. Here's a link to Japan Post in English:
Just looking at all the goodies for sale is fun if you have the time. Have a go and treat your Beat. (And the offer I made to help when I joined this forum still stands.)
Steve in Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture
hey steve - thanks for that! :D
sorry for the confusion - i've actually used japhoo loads of times before and recommend it as much as you have, but thats a great explanation for others - just the kind of thing i was meaning to write! :D
11-08-2010, 06:20 PM
Thanks Steve - great info!
Dirk Schooner
13-08-2010, 02:49 PM
This is great, you know I had been searching on yahoo japan, but got very few results, now I can see loads of Beat goodies! Might be worth gettign a few bits together and getting that japanpost guy to send them over. This is great news, thank you all for help.
13-08-2010, 07:33 PM
Nice to here You`re lucky with our little help.
A parcel from Osaka to Frankfurt/Main take 2 days, not more, add one day for custums, after only 4 days the stuff is at home. Normal parts are reliable, of course you can`t buy a engine or a gearbox, that is to expensive for airfreight.
Dirk Schooner
15-08-2010, 04:52 PM
Looks like I'm going to need somebody with a Yahoo Japan acocunt to do the bidding, I'm sure i remember reading something about somebody who does this, bids for you and then arranges shipping (for a fee obviously). But I could be imagining it.
15-08-2010, 08:36 PM
My advice:
Dirk Schooner
18-08-2010, 07:29 PM
My advice:
I found a pair on Jap auctions, emailed Jesse with URLs, replied within 1 hour with rough quote, 2 hours later the mirrors were bought, just waiting for exact shipping details....
Guido, also noticed you posted Jesse's name in your first reply, one day I will learn to read.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
excellent!! glad to hear of another happy customer - jesse is by far the best service we've ever used.
18-08-2010, 09:14 PM
I ...Guido, also noticed you posted Jesse's name in your first reply, one day I will learn to read.
Oh no Dirk, i`m shure you`re able to read, it is my bad english, like Paul W. said in an other threat.
I am glad to help you.
19-08-2010, 07:38 AM
I found a pair on Jap auctions, emailed Jesse with URLs, replied within 1 hour with rough quote, 2 hours later the mirrors were bought, just waiting for exact shipping details....
Guido, also noticed you posted Jesse's name in your first reply, one day I will learn to read.
Dirk, when you can, it would be interesting to know your final cost on shipping and Jesse's services. Hope you are happy with the mirrors!
Dirk Schooner
23-08-2010, 02:11 PM
Dirk, when you can, it would be interesting to know your final cost on shipping and Jesse's services. Hope you are happy with the mirrors!
I think it would be best to contact Jesse yourself to obtain a quotation, all I can say is that there is the charge for the items, for mailing to him, then his fee, and shipping to UK. the fee is very reasonable and shipping will be charged based on weight.
The reason I don't want to go into detail is that I don't want to give misleading information or give information that could be of use to his competitors.
All I can say is it reasonable and his communication is excellent.
Dirk Schooner
06-09-2010, 03:13 PM
Dirk, when you can, it would be interesting to know your final cost on shipping and Jesse's services. Hope you are happy with the mirrors!
Emailed Jesse, he has no problem me quoting costs, so here they are:
here are the costs...
Part Cost Bank ShipToMe Comm
Beat PP1 Normal Right Door Mirror 5250 500 1500 1000
Beat PP1 Normal Left Door Mirror 5250 ^^ ^^ ^^
subtotal: ¥13,500
shipping <3.5kg via ems = ¥7000 (including ¥900 insurance)
TOTAL: ¥20,500 PLUS 4% Paypal fees: ¥21,320
06-09-2010, 07:54 PM
Do you recieved Your parts, Dirk?
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