View Full Version : Gearbox

27-07-2010, 12:28 PM
Firstly can anyone supply me with section 9 from the workshop manual as this doesn't appear on my CD?Hopefully,this will show the gearbox stripped.Further to that,are the bearings and oil seals known to be available from a B&O supplier in this country?If not,what might the part numbers be from(gulp) Japan?Email clandavies@hotmail.co.uk Cheers Dave.

27-07-2010, 01:46 PM
I think section 9 is replaced with a seperate engine manual, check Beardo's site on the "Beat Links Bible" thread:


27-07-2010, 01:50 PM
Section 9 is greyed out as its for Automatic transmission.

Gearbox manual is a separate manual. 60P3700 ;)