View Full Version : Part numbers & cambelts!

26-07-2010, 11:43 AM

Does anyone know the part numbers for the the following items: dizzy cap, rotor arm, cam belt, water pump & air filter. I think they're all out of stock in europe, so I need to order them through Jesse Streeter

Also My cambelt and water pump were replaced about 15000 miles ago, but this was over 7 years ago, I'm going to replace the cambelt based on it's age - should I replace the water pump too?

26-07-2010, 03:39 PM
cap 30102-P36-006 @ £34.85 - stock coming in.

Rotor 30103-P65-006 @ £7.65 - no stock

Cambelt 06141-P36-306 @ £36.19 - Stock in arrivals

W/Pump 19200-P36-000 @ £118.44 - No stock

A/Filter 17220-P36-010 @ £26.28 - Stock in arrivals

Part numbers and dealer prices - Honda europe stock situation.

Personnally I would leave the water pump, just check the feeling of bearing when apart and check for any leaks.

27-07-2010, 01:17 PM
That's ace. Thanks steve!

01-11-2010, 10:26 AM
I never got my new cambelt fitted in time. I'm now the proud owner of 6 bent exhaust valves, 2 bent inlet valves and a beat in bits in a barnful of christmas turkey's!

Anyone have any thoughts on what else is worth doing while I have the head off and relatively easy access to everything?