View Full Version : Uneasy Beat Bits

31-05-2010, 07:55 PM
I've decided I would like to add to my Beat some parts I'm struggling to find by simply searching them on the net. Can anyone help...?

I would like a Mugen Spoiler. My car is red, but seeing as I've already decided on a respray, any colour will do.
Mugen side skirts would be fantastic too!

I would also like a new tonneau. They seem to be like gold dust to find unless you drive a truck!

I'm not sure if my steering wheel is also a Mugen, but I hate it! So if anyone can reccomend a replacement I would grin from ear to ear! (i'll add a pic of my current steering wheel shortly!).

I'm sure you get lost souls looking for parts on here all the time and I apologise if I should be looking somewhere obvious, but I couldn't find a thing!

31-05-2010, 08:32 PM

But be prepared to pay ££££££

31-05-2010, 09:59 PM
look through here


the guy who runs it James is on here to mega helpful got prices on loads of bits for me really fast

31-05-2010, 11:25 PM
Thanks for your help. I spy some acutal mugen skirts on there! no luck on the spoliler though.

I am not to bothered about the cost as long as they are decent parts and would prefer genuine mugen parts to finsh it off. Obviously i dont want my pants pulled down either though.

Im still having trouble tracking down a drivers side mirror. im guessing these are hard to come by and will need to keep an eye out for a second hand one? if anybody finds one please point it my way
