View Full Version : First wet
12-05-2003, 12:54 AM
Have just spent the weekend zooming around in my new toy.Must be a toy, as only toys have this kind of effect on men.
"He who dies with most toys wins" is a something I stand by !
Car has been a joy to drive and to show mates ......Hehehe.
Living in New Zealand,I'm sure it`ll get lots of use with the roof down, however it did have rain yesterday and I got pretty wet with the roof up! Was dripping in throught the join in the seal above drivers side window. Is this a replace seals jobbie or a fix it one?
I must explian ,however,it was hell of a cloud burst.
Is it safe to explore the 8000-9000rpm region with out fear of damage?Abviously not sustained,but while zapping through the gears.
12-05-2003, 02:22 AM
Hey Danny,
It is good to hear you have joined the clan. The door rubbers I'm affraid are a common problem. I have read that people have replaced all the rubbers only to have them leak again. My suggestion would be to clean your current ones with soap and water then let them dry and treat them with silicon spray. This should soften them up a little which in turn allows them to seal better.
As for the revs situation I haven't taken mine over 7000rpm very often but it can be done.
Hope this helps
The water dripping through the seals?
That’s normal, but new rubbers are quite pricey. I just put lots of black silicone between the rubber and the metal. It worked for a couple of months but now its back again. Just get use to it or buy yourself a rain jacket it will be cheaper.
As for the 9000 RPM? Well, you can do it but I believe that the way you drive your car will ultimately mean how long you will have it. Make sure when your up there and the adrenaline is going through the roof you don't drop a gear down send the piston through the roof too:p .
Good Luck
john m
12-05-2003, 09:41 AM
I put new rubbers all round and it doesnt leak when driving but it does leak a bit if parked and the wind blowing rain the right direction. Best bet is to get your hands on one of the plastic seat covers that garages use and put that on your seat, free and effective.
13-05-2003, 06:39 AM
Originally posted by dannyboy
Was dripping in throught the join in the seal above drivers side window. Is this a replace seals jobbie or a fix it one?
Hi Danny,
All is not lost with this, as the others have said, you can pay out and replace the seals but 1st I would have a go at adjusting them...
The procedure is pretty easy and it seems to work on mine (for now anyway...)
With the hood up, Open the relevent door and sit with your legs still outside the car so that you are looking at the join in the seals (you will probably see daylight between them).
Next, Firmly grasp the 2 seals and push them towards each other and with any luck the gap should close up.
Hopefully after doing this the car should be a bit drier for you, I end up having to do this a couple of times a year but is has saved me having to buy a new set of seals for now.
Hope this helps
13-05-2003, 08:58 AM
Thanks to everyone who responded so quickly.
Will let you know how it goes next time it rains.Will definatley try a fix it first then.
Paranoia sets in...............
Having already(ahem) experimented with higher revs,(it just keeps pulling) Am now driving around like Mary Poppins.
Could you please let me know the correct start up sequence of lights.
i.e Ignition on, all the red ones come on then the Engine check (0range one) comes on and you hear things going on behind you, then the Engine check one goes off and I start the car.All the red ones go off(except hand brake one if its still engaged,of course)
Is this the way its supposed to happen, or am I to seek out the self dignostic THINGY I`ve read about amongst these pages?
No I think your ok with those lights.
13-05-2003, 06:39 PM
Hi Danny,
Sounds about right to me,
The diagnostic part is achieved by joining 2 pins of a connector in the engine bay.
Hopefully you won't need the diag. part for quite a while but if you do then the procedure is explained in a few posts on here. If you can't find it then just ask and I'm sure someone will repost it for you.
Hope this helps
Have fun
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