View Full Version : Radio

20-11-2009, 11:16 AM
For all you peeps having problems with your Gathers radios. These are actually made by Clarion, who I have been in touch with.

Hi Barney,

Yes the unit is a Clarion unit. We can still refurbish and repair these units.

Kind Regards,

Clarion Service Team Leader

End quote

20-11-2009, 05:07 PM
last time i contacted Clarion, i was told that they have no diagrams of PCB, from memory i'm sure he said Japan didn't either?, & that the guy who used to deal with older units was no longer there.
their HQ is down your way i seem to remember? i think i was even planning to deliver it myself so it didn't get lost!

20-11-2009, 05:19 PM
Latest email from them:-

"Hi Barney,

No problem. We can repair most faults on these units.

Kind Regards,

Clarion Service Team Leader"

and yes they are 30 miles from me, so if I have a problem it will be easy enough to get it sorted (hopefully).