View Full Version : How did Honda make such a small production run car?

11-11-2009, 08:38 PM
33500 odd cars is only a small production run for a car, what I want to know is how did Honda do it? The cost of design, testing, and tooling up for the body, interior , glass - only a few components are out of the Honda parts bin. Did they loose loads of money on the beat?

12-11-2009, 08:47 AM
only a few components are out of the Honda parts bin.

I wouldn't say only a few componants.

More like quite a few. Engine, Gearbox, brakes and other running gear mostly from the Honda Parts bin.

Ok, Body componants are Beat specific.

Don't forget it was only made for the Japan Market as well.

12-11-2009, 03:10 PM
There are lots of little things that the beat shares with things like the 1992 Civic, also a lot of the styling you see in later models like the S2000 and of course don't forget they sold the plans to MG to make the MGF :suicide:

13-11-2009, 03:32 AM
Sold the plans to MG to make the MGF? Speculation at best i think. I've heard the stories, both sides. Similar body-lines, but where's the facts? I'm still not convinced. Can anyone please chime in to help prove me wrong?.....proof no speculation please..lol...http://www.aronline.co.uk/index.htm?letters200801f.htm :) also... http://themgclub.org/showthread.php?t=272245

13-11-2009, 10:49 AM
From what I gather and this is not definitive, just heresay but from someone who ought to know.

Honda shared design plans with Rover but money didn't change hands as Honda and Rover collaborated at the time. The MGF was spawned from the ideas and designs of a few cars. Inspiration from the Beat and technology from the Metro about sums it up. Honda don't want any connection with the MGF as it was a poor car and Rover would like you to think they designed and built it all by themselves. Any selling of designs would have come with strict clauses anyway that would have restrained Rover from saying that the MGF was spawned from the Beats designs.

You won't get a definate yes or no to this. Just be happy that the Beat is brill and the MGF isn't. :p

13-11-2009, 07:40 PM
Honda shared design plans with Rover but money didn't change hands as Honda owned Rover at the time.

Honda have never owned Rover.

13-11-2009, 09:02 PM
Steve's new game, pick at my posts. Changed now just for you. Lol.

14-11-2009, 07:49 PM
I can recall reading that the Beat was a comparatively expensive car when new. If you ticked the options it could cost more than a MX5. I have also seen figures which show about 2/3rds of them were sold in the first 8 months. Common sense would suggest that Honda would have estimated sales first and ensured the price was enough to make a profit.

15-11-2009, 10:11 AM
During the late 80's, Honda and Rover collaberated for two main reasons. 1. Honda could have a manufacturing foothold in europe. 2. Rover could obtain manufacturing methods to help them survive. During the period before BMW took control of Rover, Honda and Rover made several simular models all based on the same platform. The 800 - Legend, 600 - Accord, 400 & 200 - Civic. Rover were allowed acces to the Beat plans and used these to develop their own, MGF. Rover started to become a better car manufacturer and the threat of Honda taking over Rover caused a stir in Baveria.....the rest is history.
As for the short run of Beats, Honda is not the same as other makers. If there is a hole to fill they will try and fill it. At this time there was a requirement for a small engine car, low taxes etc... not only Honda but other makers as well in Japan at the time. If it wasn't for this we wouldn't have the Kei cars.
Most of this info can be found on Honda's UK Mfg corporate web site in some form or another.

18-11-2009, 12:10 AM
I can recall reading that the Beat was a comparatively expensive car when new. If you ticked the options it could cost more than a MX5..

The Beat was approx £6,000 when new in japan... but when grey imported into the uk, the price tag was around £11,000, when you start to look at it properly, you can see it's a cheap car...

18-11-2009, 05:28 PM
The Beat was approx £6,000 when new in japan... but when grey imported into the uk, the price tag was around £11,000, when you start to look at it properly, you can see it's a cheap car...

My previous post was based on a report I read some years ago which compared Japanese prices.