View Full Version : Gathering opinions on cambelt/water pump

27-10-2009, 12:08 AM
Local Honda dealer service dept. recommends waterpump replacement as precaution whilst doing cambelt replacement. [over] confident DIYer about to approach cambelt, eager to get car on road without the fear on engine grenading. All other parts and service stuff arrived but heart broken at a back order date of 12 Dec for waterpump.

Thinking I'll take the risk and deal with waterpump if and when. What are other's views/experience?

Cheers Stokesey

27-10-2009, 01:05 AM
if you've thought about it....do it
pump will prob come earlier, mine did, whats a few weeks & £100 ish compared to a rebuild of £6-700

27-10-2009, 07:00 AM
A no brainer. Do the pump, if it fails the engine is destroyed. I posted pictures somewhere of an engine with a failed pump. I managed to repair it but it wasn't cheap.

27-10-2009, 08:17 AM
we didnt change ours when we rebuilt the engine a year or so ago - it seemed fine on inspection.
then i saw beardos pics he posted and ive been paranoid about it ever since! its the one piece that wasnt changed and it could ruin all the good work. now the wetness has arrived ours is having it changed with new belt etc on monday. :D

27-10-2009, 12:42 PM
I wouldn't worry too much about the waterpump, Yes if it fails completly there will be some engine damage, but its more likely start leaking before any complete failure.

You could say the same about the tensioner or the other idler pulley. But are you really considering replacing them as well??

Do the belt, inspect the waterpump for leaks or any bearing harshness and then dicide if its worth £100 extra.

I fitted a new idler when I rebuilt my engine and that new item failed after 150 miles!!!

28-10-2009, 11:31 PM
Hi Guys

Many thanks for taking the time to post a reply. I really value your experience and views. This is quite a conundrum.

It is probably the case that our main drives are all modern motors with similar set ups and we drive those around with only an occasional inspection trusting that an equally expensive disaster isn't upon us. However ...

I've got a couple of hours tomorrow morning before work to scout around outside the dealer parts system to see if I can get one a little sooner.


29-10-2009, 08:35 AM
You may be able to get a pump from Blueprint.


Probably your best other option apart from Honda dealer.

20-11-2009, 11:18 PM

Helpful fellas at Cannock Honda got the pump within a few weeks rather than the projected months. Avondale at Coventry have got my exhaust which I'm picking up tomorrow. All I have to do is finish the inevitable pre-christmas house decorating, build a deck outside and I'm then free to play with my car.

Wish me luck


21-11-2009, 12:05 AM
well now that's at least 3 Beat owners using Brindley then, never had a prob with them yet, very helpful.