View Full Version : U-UKHBC - what would you like to see?
I thought it might be worth starting off a discussion about if there were any ideas to update things around here, to try and make it a bit more lively and bring back the sense of community?
the forum has been pretty quiet recently and we're all aware of the problems people have had trying to sign up.
I thought maybe we could update the main site to place more emphasis on the forum as the active part of things as its pretty out-dated now and maybe update some of the forum catagories...
If we could get some firm ideas together we could maybe have a chat with paul and see what might be do-able without too much hassle.
so please add in any ideas!
12-08-2009, 01:43 PM
I think emphasising the forum on the main website would be a great idea.
12-08-2009, 06:53 PM
I think the forum is very helpful, particularly old posts which show I am not alone with my troubles ;-) There are some really good links too. Erm, what is this main website being talked about?
PS Thanks Tado, Jesse Streeter did the bis. Hope your Beat is out of intensive care.
12-08-2009, 08:52 PM
Erm, what is this main website being talked about? that bit
12-08-2009, 09:48 PM
Threads older than a year for example should be locked to stop additional post either off topic or requesting to buy something that was advertised 6 years ago :explode:
maybe we could even bypass the main site and just send the url straight to the forum? the important bits from the old site could just be transferred to topics or whatever in the forum?
glad jesse came up trumps tom! fraid ours is still in the beat-hospital, but the parts should all be here now so repairs can begin. :D
13-08-2009, 10:20 AM
Threads older than a year for example should be locked to stop additional post either off topic or requesting to buy something that was advertised 6 years ago :explode:
Sounds like a good idea too
14-08-2009, 09:35 AM
Agree about the locked for sale threads that are old. I have nearly been caught out with them before and nearly posted after someone else on a resurrected thread.
I have to be honest, I think the lounges are messed up on here. The for sale lounges for example. There should be cars for sale, parts for sale and a seperate wanted section. Beat discussion and off beat are fine. I think there are too many other lounges, some of these can be put into one catorgory. There just aren't enough posts in there to warrant all them lounges.
Just my opinion.
14-08-2009, 09:49 AM
FWIW, as a newbie, I agree with the points raised by Beardo and SteveM. Is there still a club as well as this forum? Personally I would prefer just a forum.
i agree with both beardo and steve - think we could definitely streamline stuff a lot and get rid of a lot of the unused forums. if we could work out a way to simply lock old topics without having to go through every single one manually that would be great. almost all the other forums/clubs i go on certainly just go straight to the message board - think the message board is pretty much the club really! :D
Paul w
20-08-2009, 10:03 PM
Now then....whats this? Revolution??
Sorry I've not been around much, my 2yr old takes up all of my spare time and then a bit more!
I'll look at handing more of the site over, probably to Tado if he will take it...
I'm interested in your comments, and this site is for you, the owners and enthusiasts, so what ever you want, you can have!
I have some holiday coming up, i'll see what I can do.
Registration is still a real pain in the arse, I have tried several methods to prevent spam, but the only one that works is the moderation method.
I guess I need more moderators!!
20-08-2009, 10:52 PM
Paul can I moderate member applications?
Glad to hear your little one is doing well (Must be to be taking up all your time) :)
Hope all is well with you and everyone in your family Paul!
evening paul!
thats brilliant - thanks for the input - sorry for the uprising! lol :D
it'd be great if the running of site/new member approval was shared amongst a few of the usual suspects maybe?
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