View Full Version : Pcb

28-06-2009, 03:11 PM
Hello folks. I can't seem to source a Gathers radio anywhere. Does anybody have a spare printed circuit board with the ribbon connector? I would be eternally grateful to be able to listen to some tunes, while racing around these Wiltshire lanes.
Always hopeful

Honda UK
28-06-2009, 08:44 PM
:) A complete Gathers radio unit can be brought off Yahoo Japan auction site for £177... check it out !!
Keep those Wiltshire Lanes 'Beating' along !!

28-06-2009, 09:29 PM
I bought one of E bay, It is presently on its way to New Zealand and when it gets here my technician is going to make one good one out of it plus the one I already have in my beat. After that, if the spare circuit board is still OK you are welcome to it if you haven't sourced one before then.

29-06-2009, 01:28 AM
I bought one of E bay, It is presently on its way to New Zealand and when it gets here my technician is going to make one good one out of it plus the one I already have in my beat. After that, if the spare circuit board is still OK you are welcome to it if you haven't sourced one before then.

if you have the togglely bit off the back of the cassette reject button spare, i'd be grateful... as clarion lost mine, and when the tops down the button flys under the seats....:eek:

29-06-2009, 11:54 AM
After that, if the spare circuit board is still OK you are welcome to it if you haven't sourced one before then.

Thanks David. PM sent.