View Full Version : Hard Top

19-05-2009, 10:23 PM
Winter has finally arrived and I could get a lot more use out of my Beat if it had a hard top. Has anyone got one for sale, built one, bought one or had any experience with one? I'm considering getting the roof off a similar sized sedan and reworking it to fit my Beat. Any Thoughts

20-05-2009, 11:32 AM
They still leak!!!!

20-05-2009, 12:49 PM
we've had a hardtop on ours for about a year now - it is great and is 95% water tight. we still get a couple of drops on the passenger side at the front when it rains really hard, but they just drip onto the seat so a damp bum is the only damage done.

id say pros are - looks, more headroom (dependant on which you go for), much less leaky, massive decrease in interior rattles and a lot lighter in weight.

cons - extremely awkward to ship and expensive to buy with the yen the way it is at the mo, probably never be 100% water tight (unless you went with a mugen one), and with the exception of the mugen you have to remove the soft top so its either roof or no roof at all.

hth! :D