View Full Version : Noobie Hi

14-05-2009, 10:15 AM
Hi I'm monkey and i'm an Alcoho............. Oops wrong forum:D

Hi dont know what to say, i dont own a beat yet, theres always time and money to prove that wrong. i have a real interest in anythnig Jap' and qwirky/different and the beat fits the bill.

i've been reading the forum for a while getting as much info as poss, for the invetible time that i wear my G/F down enough to agree to letting me have one, and the bank manager (read my girlfriend) has agreed i can now get a car to play with. but i have to get some cash together, and ive got to pay for a Service, MoT, Tax and insurance (all due in July) on my Focus before i can contemplate buying one (she's having the focus as a every day car, and i can drive it when i need somethnig more practicle) as the Beat would be my daily drive to work (10 miles + each way) and round town driving

and thats why im here, i've looked at Cappo's the Mazda thing (god they are expensive) and have settled on the Beat as the one for me.

first of though, as i havnt seen on in the metal, is there anyone in or around Southampton so i can have a look, and be 100% sure i can fit in one, im 6'2", i know i shouldnt have a problem but i just want to see how comfortable it is for me.

14-05-2009, 10:49 AM
Hi and welcome to the club. I'm sure you will fit into a Beat just fine, after all Jeremy Clarkson did and he's quite tall. There is usually a handful of Beats for sale at any one time of varying quality. Just remember you get what you pay for.

14-05-2009, 12:55 PM
Welcome Monkey.

Good advice from Beardo, there is some junk out there.

If you find one you like, I'd ask on here first - the car is probably known by someone.