View Full Version : Front end smash

20-04-2009, 03:36 PM
Hi folks just wondering if any one has a front passenger side head light i could buy off you Please, also i am looking for a bonnet and front bumper, in red if poss but any other color is cool. If any one has any of the parts it would be greatley aprecheated my email is hondabeat@hotmail.co.uk

20-04-2009, 04:29 PM
Sorry to hear about your accident :awwww:

21-04-2009, 01:00 AM
Thanks, sucks to have it off the road again, i only just rebuilt the engine a few months ago, ten years of driveing and i have to have my first crash in my favorite car!!!

19-06-2009, 01:04 AM
hi just joined the site i have a bonnet and bumper in red if needed

19-06-2009, 08:32 AM
Sorry to hear about the bump, there was a headlight on Japanese Yahoo here (http://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.auctions.yahoo.co.jp%2Fsearc h%3Fsb%3Ddesc%26desc%3D%25a5%25db%25a5%25f3%25a5%2 5c0%25a1%25a1%25a5%25d3%25a1%25bc%25a5%25c8%26aucc at%3D0%26acc%3Djp%26f%3D0x12%26alocale%3D0jp%26mod e%3D1&sl=ja&tl=en&history_state0=)

19-06-2009, 08:47 AM
It is on page 14 and looks like the correct one. I cannot get the precise link to work.


19-06-2009, 09:35 AM
arg... sorry to hear about your bump :mad:
if you're thinking about buying anthing from yahoo, we've just used this chap to send us some tyres and i'd really recommend him:
he's significantly cheaper than rinkya etc too! :)

30-06-2009, 03:55 PM
Chears pepole but i ordered a headlight a week after it happened!!! it cost me £200 and took 8 and a half weeks to arive. So i got it larst week spent hours re-fibergallasing the bumper and baning the bonnet back onto shape. Then yesterday a got back to whare i had parked my car in town and a Hyundai Coupe had rolled into the front of my car on a road called hill street which is about the steapest road in Newport!!"!!!!!""!!! Ile take look into the yahoo stuff coz my insurense will probely just write my car off and ile buy it back smashed up. Thats all they seem to do!!!! I might ask some of you some pointers if you dont mide coz every time i go on yahoo the transltor doest translate much.

06-07-2009, 05:53 PM
I have a set of head lights if your still looking. Send me a PM.

Honda UK
07-07-2009, 12:52 AM
Hi Rod... Do you still have the Beat headlights for sale?
Can't be far away from each other....

07-07-2009, 06:26 PM
Hi Mark,
I have both available if you need them. Send me a private message, it's the icon in the top right hand corner. Failing that I'll send you an e-mail.