View Full Version : 40, it was bound to happen...

06-04-2009, 12:34 PM
Hi gang, just a quick introduction post! :D

I was first introduced to Beatmania at JAE a few years back (when it was at Billing) there were just two beats there, and I secretly fell in love :rolleyes: the guys that owned them were really decent and took the time to answer all my stupid questions.

I had an S12 Silvia back then and have since graduated to a nice EG Civic that im in the process of fiddling with to make a trackday/runaround car (yes, I know...) But since I turned 40 a few weeks back I thought it was high time I started having a mid-life crisis (some say I have been having one since I was 17...) So I am starting my research on the Beat. Now I have a load of expense in the next few months, I am visiting Spa in Belgium and Nurburgring in May, then have another trackday at Lydden in August, Ill be in Japan for two weeks in October so you see money is an issue!
Still I have loads of patience, I am an ordinary guy, ordinary job and ordinary family so getting my hands on an extra £2000+ for a Crisis toy (as wifey calls it! ) will take a little time. I have been reading and searching for a few days and I'm happy to see that the club is still nice and livley with lots of Beat action going on! So, I might not get one straight away but Ill be following the club with interest, it would be great to come along to a meet or two (Ill hide the Civic!) and maybe meet some Beats!

I have a keen interest in motoring and Japanese culture, I have ran a few car clubs too s im not new to the Japanese car scene, a decent bunch of people no matter what they drive! I also write a weekly motoring blog for anyone thats interested http://motorfetish.wordpress.com (shameless plug :D )

Thing that worries me most is the cost and availibility of parts, and the dreaded cambelt change...I work part time in the parts department of my local Halfords, and not even the local motorfactors carry parts! meh details deatails...

06-04-2009, 12:47 PM
To be honest I never found parts an issue, my local Honda parts place were fantastic.

Even through 4 engine rebuilds all caused by one fundamental problem I never had any trouble getting hold of parts.

The cambelt isn't any harder to do than any other car... it's just where it is.

Anway hope you get what you're after :)

06-04-2009, 12:59 PM
To be honest I never found parts an issue, my local Honda parts place were fantastic.

Even through 4 engine rebuilds all caused by one fundamental problem I never had any trouble getting hold of parts.

The cambelt isn't any harder to do than any other car... it's just where it is.

Anway hope you get what you're after :)

That's a relief! Isn't main dealer prices horrendous though? And 4 rebuilds? wow what on earth caused that? :eek:

Thank you for the warm welcome :D

06-04-2009, 02:02 PM
The bore rusted because it was standing still for so long without running before I had it.

When it was started again the bore was stripped off causing pressure problems etc

Honda prices are as steep as any other manufactures, but that's what you get buying a rare car

06-04-2009, 02:57 PM
but that's what you get buying a rare car

:D I like that quote :D

06-04-2009, 03:16 PM
go into a dealer & they should quote you £199 inc the belt

06-04-2009, 05:53 PM
where abouts are you might be a beat near to you.

06-04-2009, 06:31 PM
where abouts are you might be a beat near to you.

I am in Greatstone in Kent, right on the south coast. Im not ready to buy yet unless a miracle happens (reasons stated above :awwww:) But Id love to see one :D

06-04-2009, 07:02 PM
welcome to the site tee
your taste in cars is very nice - enjoyed reading your blog :D

06-04-2009, 07:28 PM
Thank you!

I like your blog too, wow that new frontend looks brilliant! And a nice DC5 too :eek: Thats what Im using at Spa and Nurburgring next month :D

Added your blog to my blogroll

06-04-2009, 09:38 PM
ta very much indeed :D
have a great time at the ring - would love to get out there one day

08-04-2009, 04:43 PM
There's a couple of us in Kent, if you wanted to try one

09-04-2009, 09:46 AM
There's a couple of us in Kent, if you wanted to try one

Thats a really nice idea :D Im always up for a mini-meet